Fishies (OoOS2)

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*This will contain spoilers. Also this was requested by AvianKing so yeah. I FINALLY WROTE SOMETHING AFTER LIKE FIVE MONTHS YAAAAY
Also good job if you get the reference I'm gonna make, that movie was my childhood.*

Inpu and Bryan were walking around the new aquarium that had been opened. It was a special aquarium built so that demigods didn't have to hide their extra features or anything like that. Inpu's tail was wagging slightly as he looked around, mystified by the aquatic life around him. Bryan watched him in amusement.

"I've only read about these types of fish in books, they're so beautiful in real life! The lake at camp doesn't have all of these at all!" Inpu spoke with excitement in his voice.

Bryan chuckled. "They are actually prettier than I expected. The people who built this place outdid themselves." His wings were folded neatly on his back.

Inpu turned to face him. Bryan tried not to stare at Inpu's missing arm and instead look at him straight in the eyes, trying to be respectful. He couldn't help but feel pity for Inpu even though Bryan knew that wasn't what he wanted.

"Did you see that one fish with an artificial fin? It reminds me of that one movie where these people have to save a dolphin who lost part of its tail, it's an interesting movie and I think you would enjoy it! Maybe we could watch it at my dorm tonight?" Inpu looked so relaxed and exited that Bryan could not decline.

"That sounds great Inpu, I would love to have a movie night." Bryan then grabbed Inpu's remaining hand. "Now cmon, let's go look at some more creatures."

The two ended up falling asleep in Inpu's cabin that night, cuddling each other. The boys had walked around the aquarium all day and watched a lot of different movies that night, so they were pretty tired. Neither had nightmares that night.
Word Count: 325
So this was my first chapter in a very long time. Sorry bout that y'all, imma be getting to my other two requests soon. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed! Also today's little goodbye is based off of the Christmas songs I've been listening to.

Have a holly, jolly, spectacularly fantastic day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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