Day Five: GSA (FTO AU)

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*You can clearly see which guild is my favorite here-
I also feel like Kit is really not a big character in the fandom but she deserves more love so boom it's her perspective now!
This is also not gonna be like normal high school by the way. I don't think at least."

Kit walked through the halls of Fairy Tale High School, nervous for her first day in her new club. She was scared with how the rest of the Divinus Magia dorm would react to her being lesbian, so she decided to first go to an environment she knew would be supportive. The school's local GSA club. (GSA stands for Gay Straight Alliance by the way, just in case y'all didn't know.)

She stood outside the classroom before she knew it. Taking a deep breath, Kit pushes open the door. Walking in, she was met with a lot of familiar faces. The people from her dorm that she saw were Lucas, Brandon, Ritchie, Inmo, David, and even Mario. There were also a lot of people from other dorms she recognized. The club seemed to have gathered in the center of the classroom to... sacrafice something. (That was what my GSA did XD.) Kit nervously walked over to the teacher in charge of making sure nobody was injured, Teacher Bee. (Yes I'm in this story, why not. Also in my school you need a teacher in charge of your club if you wanted it to exist so here we are.)

"Um.. hi. I'm Kit, and I wish to join this club." The teacher looked at her.

"Oh sure! Anyone is welcome, as long as you don't spread hate around. We meet here every Saturday and sometimes even Sundays if the club wishes. We also sometimes go on fun little field trips. Now go join them if you wish, they're probably trying to sacrafice a gummy fish again. Lucas's older sister Galran probably is the leading cause of that." Teacher Bee then went back to drawing.

Kit wandered over and joined the chaos, her friends gladly accepting her. There were several screams as the gummy fish began to float. Kit laughed and immediately knew that this was going to be a fun club.

Word Count: 373
Okay so this was based kinda on that one time in my GSA club we sacraficed a gummy fish to the gods because we wanted our science test the next day to be cancelled. Someone had tied an almost invisible string to it and picked it up and it looked like the fish was floating and someone screeched,"WE NEED AN EXORCIST, WE GONNA EXORCISE THIS DEMON FISH." That was honestly hilarious but sadly the rest was not canceled. If y'all want a part two or something of this I would be glad to make a chapter about the adventures of Fairy Tale High's GSA club. Now I gotta write like two more chapters oof.
KayBee out!

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