Lost to the Zombies (OriginZ)

830 28 14

⚠️Warnings: Major character death, mentions of injuries, breakup, angst, mentions of zombies, disappearances, mentions of missing limbs. You have been warned.⚠️

Bryan ran through the streets, limping a little from the injury in his right leg. He wasn't quite sure what caused it, though. He just knew he had to run. He was still shocked from the events that had occurred earlier that day...

Bryan stood there with tears in his eyes. "What do you mean I don't do enough for you? I'm the reason you and your people haven't starved!"

Pat glares at him. "We get plenty of food from scavenging. You waste your fuel and crops on those worthless animals. If you just dropped them, maybe we wouldn't be having this conversation right now!"

Bryan backs up a bit. "You and I both know that those animals are one of the main reasons any of us are alive. What has gotten into you lately? You have been acting colder, more rude. Do you even love me anymore?"

"I don't know if I do!"

Bryan froze. Pat's eyes widened as he realized just what he said. "Bryan... I-"

"Save it." Bryan turned. "I know how you really feel about me. I'm done." He ran away from Pat, wanting to be anywhere but Safe Haven right now.

He wishes he had at least thought before running off on his own. About five minutes ago he had run into a horde. His gun didn't have enough bullets to take all of them at once and gunfire would most likely attract more. The only thing he could do was run and pray that the scrape on his leg was from the brick walls of the city and not one of those crawlers.

There was a loud noise from in front of him. Looking at his surroundings, he noticed his brother's truck. Marshie was in the back firing at the crowd behind him while Mario was in the front getting ready to drive away. Bryan hopped in the back as fast as possible and helped Marshie close the door as they made their escape. That's when he finally broke down, leaning against a wall and sobbing. Marshie helped him sit, treating the wound on his leg as the occasional bumps the car hit helped calm his nerves.

The truck finally came to a stop after about 15 minutes. Bryan was hardly awake anymore, registering the voices and objects around him were slowly fading away as he drifted into unconsciousness. A pair of arms picked him up and carried him into some type of small building before Bryan fell asleep.

Waking up the first time was painful as his leg throbbed in pain. He groaned and he opened his eyes, noticing that it was still fairly dark. He decided to just close his eyes and hopefully sleep the pain away.

The second time he woke up, he didn't bother opening his eyes. He could hear voices nearby, listening in to the conversation.

"Are you sure it's one of those injuries Doc?"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I can't cure this. When he wakes up he will most likely be in pain, the best I can do is give him pain medicine to stop that from....."

That's when Bryan fell asleep again. He wondered who the voices were talking about.

Waking up the third time was worse. The pain had migrated throughout his body and he couldn't feel his leg anymore. He loudly grunted in pain and there was someone by his side in an instant to help him sit up. He was forced to swallow some kind of pill and then the pain died down.

"How are you feeling?" Bryan opened his eyes to see his brother next to him. The second thing he noticed was that he was at Doc's office.

"I'm feeling... better than before I guess." Mario took that as an 'okay.'

"I'm sorry about your leg Bryan... I'm also sorry for what I'll have to do..." Bryan was confused. He looked down at his injured leg to confirm to his brother that he was fine but...

...his leg was gone.

Bryan had heard of what happened to Micheal. He knew that his missing leg meant he was infected. He knew he didn't have much time left.

He knew he could never see Pat again.

Bryan say there for the rest of the day, crying and saying his final goodbyes to his brother.

Mario shot him in his sleep that night, making it as painless as possible for the last of his family. He still had his friends to help him through, at least.

Pat couldn't say the same.

When he heard the news of Bryan's death, he went berserk. He had none to help him, none to make him smile. A piece of him was missing.

That night he ran out into the city, and none ever saw him again.

Not all love stories end up okay.

Word Count: 811
Hope you enjoyed _WhatIsSleep_ I felt like writing angst today and this inspired me :).  I'm posting a lot of angst but at least I'm getting better at writing it? Anyways lol I gotta clean some stuff now feel free to request stuff and make sure to specify if you want angst or not from now on because honestly I've been craving angst and will probably be writing more of it.

Have an amazingly swell day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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