Day Four: Late Night Call (OoOS2)

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*This is super late but here we go anyways-
Also if anyone has any suggestions for what I should write for some days feel free to comment them, I already have ideas for some though so there is a chance I won't use them.*

Bri finished up her work and carefully turned her lamp off. The time read '12:09.' She must have stayed up later than she thought. Walking over to her bed, she laid down and prepared to go to sleep before her phone started ringing. Bri checked the caller ID to see the name 'Colin' flash across the screen.

She was a little confused, but Colin has recently left on a quest with Seek so she was also worried. She quickly answered the call.

"Colin? Why are you calling me this late at night?" Bri could hear a sigh of relief and a few sobs from the other end of the phone.

"Thank goodness.... Seek was asleep and I already tried calling Austin but he just told me to go to sleep before I could say anything." Bri was confused by Colin's behavior.

"That still doesn't explain why you're calling me, especially at midnight." Colin went silent on the other end of the phone. Bri was still very concerned for her friend.

Colin finally spoke after what seemed like hours. "I..... I had a nightmare."

Well his call finally made sense. "Are you okay? Do you want to talk to me about it?"

Colin answered quickly. "No, I'm fine. I just.. needed to know you guys were good. Other than that it was nothing. Goodnight Bri."

Bri smiled. "Goodnight Colin. Have fun dreaming about Seek."

Colin snorted. "Seek was right when he said you acted like an older sister to me. I'll talk to you tomorrow once this quest is over. Night sis." Colin then hung up.

Bri put her phone back on the nightstand. She fell asleep that night with a huge smile on her face.

Word Count: 330
I see Colin and Bri as siblings and you can not argue with me about this. I also don't really see Colin, Austin, and Seek as brothers but more like extremely close friends. I know it's not very 'LGBT' related but hey it's cute and I know a lot of LGBTQ+ people that absolutely adore cute things (including me) so... mission accomplished? Idk have this I gotta get to writing like three more days-
KayBee out!

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