Day Two: First Love (FTO)

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*I had no idea what to write for this so take whatever this is. I've also never been close to a relationship and it shows.*

Love was something new to Jakey.

He had never quite fit in with everyone else. All the kids at his school got themselves a significant other as soon as they could, but he wasn't into that stuff. Rushing into a relationship without really knowing the person personally seemed wrong to him.

So when Jakey felt a feeling similar to the love he showed his family, but not quite, towards Bryan, he was a little freaked out. Bryan has originally been the one to confess, and Jakey was grateful he accepted. A life without Bryan seemed nonexistent to him. He knew he was lacking experience, but he couldn't care less.

Bryan was his first love, and Jakey was going to make sure he was his only one.

Word Count: 151
So today's pride thing was a little short but I had no ideas really. Also I kinda made it sound a bit Yandere at the end and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Hope y'all ace all your efforts and have a wonderfully gay day/night wherever y'all are! (I'm running out of puns no-)
KayBee out!

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