You are beautiful <3

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I'm 'ugly' according to society, and I'm proud of it.
I don't fit into beauty standards so many people have, I have acne scars. I have eyebags. I don't stand out very much in a crowd.
And that's okay.

What people need to realize is that beauty standards are unrealistic. Not everyone will look like society feels they need to. Beauty standards are horrible and toxic.

I'm proud of myself, I know I'm beautiful. I know I'm beautiful not because I meet society's standards, but because I'm confident and don't listen to what toxic creators or people on the streets say. I don't listen to their bull, and neither should you.

Every one of us is beautiful, we are all attractive in our unique ways. Not one single person is perfect. I could list every flaw on my face if you asked.

In my opinion the key to looking beautiful isn't fitting in with what society says you should be. Beauty is seeing your faults and loving them. Beauty is recognizing the ways you're unique and the ways you stand out.

Based on beauty standards I don't stand out in crowds. You may not either. But take a step back from toxicity and suddenly you're the brightest one you can see.

So yes, I'm considered ugly and I'm proud. That makes me special.

Every single one of us is beautiful and unique. You're special, and you're beautiful.

~KayBee Krowns

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