Crushed and Alone Pt2 (OoOS2)

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*Warnings: I do describe what Cal looked like when he was in the rubble and covered in blood and stuff. Skip the flashback if you don't wanna read that.
All ships can be taken platonically or romantically your choice.*

Cal could hear rain. There was lightning and meteors as well. However the strangest thing were the voices.

"Is he alive?"

"He's still breathing, though I'm not sure for how long. Set's attacks sure pack a punch."

"If we get him back soon he should be somewhat okay. Cmon guys, help me with this rubble."

After a few minutes the strange weight on his legs was gone. Cal tried to move, to open his eyes, to speak even, but all he could do was lay there defenseless. He felt himself being lifted into someone's arms. He started to warm up again, no longer in danger of freezing.

"Are you sure you can carry him Mario?"

"I'll be fine, we just need to get him back to camp an......."

The voices and noise slowly faded away as Cal fell back into the blackness, feeling safe in the warm arms.

-Time Skip-

The next time he woke up, Cal was laying in a bed. His entire body hurt like hell and he could hardly feel his legs. Blinking slowly, he let out a groan of pain.

There were instantly two people helping him sit as he blinked away sleep. Lychee and Mario both stared at him in concern. He tried to speak but his throat was sore and he ended up coughing instead.

Lychee carefully held a glass of water to his lips and Cal gratefully sipped it. When his throat was no longer sore he decided to speak. "What happened?" He cringed at his raspy voice.

Mario grabbed his hand. "How much do you remember?"

Cal thought back to the incident. "Well, Riccaro got taken over by Set, I got crushed by rubble, then..... nothing."

Lychee rubbed his shoulder. "Well...."


Lychee was in shock. His little bro had just been taken over by a power crazy god who wanted to destroy them all. The worst part was he crushed Cal but nobody stayed to help him. None except Xylo.

Speak of the devil, Xylo came stumbling into the Greek side of camp. But Cal wasn't with him.

Lychee ran up to him. "Xylo? Where's Cal is he okay?"

Xylo shook his head. "I came back to get help. I can't move the rubble by myself."

Lychee immediately felt dread. Cal was like a mother to him and he would be heartbroken if Cal died. Everyone else seemed to agree. Lychee, Xylo, Inpu, Magnus, and Mario went to go find him as fast as possible.

Lychee was the first to enter the pyramid, completely ignoring all the chaos. Everyone froze when they saw the state Cal was in.

Cal had blood all over his body, the parts that were visible anyway. He was lying face down and one of his arms was reaching out, the other resting right above his head. There were scratches and cuts everywhere. There was blood everywhere on the rubble where his legs would be. Dust was everywhere.

There were gasps as they all rushed to Cal's side. The rubble was gone as fast as possible. His face was soaked and covered in blood, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open. One of his eyes had a giant hash right above it on his forehead. His freckles looked duller and his hair was soaked with rain, tears, and blood. Mario scooped Cal into his arms and shivered a bit at how cold he was. Mario then turned to everyone else, ignoring the blood getting on his clothes and the rain soaking his hair as they all sprinted back to camp to get Lee.

Even with Lee's healing magic Cal was still covered head to toe in bandages. There was one across his head as well. He didn't wake up until the next day.

-Flashback End-

Cal flinched. "Oh..." He had witnessed so many deaths with his time magic yet he never thought he'd almost witness his own so soon. He could feel tears in his eyes as he realized he almost died.

Mario and Lychee both hugged him, being cautious so they wouldn't injure him more than he already was. Mario wipes the tears out of his eyes as the three sat there hugging. Then the door opened.

Xylo, Inpu, and Magnus came through the door. Cal smiles at them as they stare in relief. Magnus was the first of the three to move, also joining the group hug while crying. Xylo and Inpu quickly followed. The rain outside seemed to have gotten worse, but Cal didn't mind them being a little wet.

Soon everyone was crying a little, relieved that Cal was okay. Inpu pulled away slightly to talk to him. "Riccaro would have been here but he still hasn't woken up yet either. Momiji apparently kissed him and boom he passed out and is fighting for control again."

Cal laughs a bit in relief. "Thank the gods he's okay."

Magnus hugged him a bit tighter. "Riccaro can wait a bit, you're more important right now! You were the one that almost died!"

Xylo also spoke up. "Yeah, never do that to us again please? I do not want you to die on me."

Cal seemed a bit down still. "Guys, it's not that big of a deal, Riccaro is more important than me currently."

"You almost died, Momma Cal! You're one of the most important people at camp, and I'm not just talking about your powers! Please, just...." The rest of Magnus's sentence was lost in their sobs.

The door opened once again, revealing Solis and Davis. Normal Davis, not the demon. Both walked over and hugged him as well.

"Mama! You're alright!" Solis was excited.

Cal smiles. "Yeah.. I am."

And that my fellow fans is the story of how Cal found himself in the middle of a huge cuddle pile.
Word Count: 1007
So this is probably one of the best (and longest) one shots I've written so far. What happens next is up to your imagination (unless a part 3 is happening). I wrote part 2 immediately cuz I didn't want to loose inspiration okay-

Hope y'all enjoyed reading and that y'all have an amazingly, splendidly, great day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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