Day Three: Small Town (OriginZ AU?)

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*I forgot to post this yesterday then it got delete  and I had to rewrite it with no ideas -^-. Sorry this is late tho oops on my part. This is also an AU so they all look like they do in OriginZ cuz I like those looks best and they're normal everyday clothes instead of some of the stuff certain characters wear in OoOS2. Also they're all about the same age sooooo.*

Lucas  walked out of his school, thankful to be let out. Summer break was finally here and he was super excited to be able to do nothing again. He walked back to his one-bedroom apartment, wanting to drop off his bag before going out to eat. He was looking at his shoes as he walked down the sidewalk, not fully paying attention to his surroundings.


Lucas rubbed his head and looked at the person he bumped into. The male on the ground looked about the same age as him while his friend had to be at least a year older.

"Sorry, wasn't looking where I was going. Guess I'll be on my way now." Lucas picked up his bag and was about to leave before the blueberry boy on the floor stood up and faced Lucas.

"What's your name cutie? I'm Leo." Lucas blushed a bit.

"The name's Lucas. Nice to meetcha' Leo."

The ginger let out a dramatic gasp. "Don't forget about me that fast! My name is David, and I think you two are absolutely adorable." Lucas felt his blush worsen before he cleared his throat.

"Well, I must go now. Gotta get home and make myself dinner. I'll see you two around." Lucas then walked briskly towards his home, deciding to just order takeout today. He cursed himself when he got home when he realized he hadn't gotten the two boys' numbers. Oh well, not like he'd ever see them again.


Lucas walked into the park a week later, sitting on a nearby bench and pulling out a book to read. He loved days like this, just him sitting at the quiet park, reading a book by himself with none to bother him. His neighbors were some of the nosiest people he knew to be honest. He felt someone sit next to him, but he decided to ignore it in favor of reading his book.

"Heya Lucas, nice to see you again." Lucas placed a bookmark in his book before placing it on his lap and looking over at the ginger next to him.

"David? To be honest I didn't think I'd see you here." David snorted and placed his arm around Lucas, making the smaller blush.

"After you left before we could get your number, Leo and I were slightly doubting we would see you and your adorable face anytime soon. Thanks for winning me 15 dollars cutie." David winked as Lucas laughed. "So, finally gonna give us your number?"

Lucas grinned up at him. "It's apparently a really small town anyways, do I even need to?"

A new voice chirped in. "I don't think me or David could handle talking to you only once a week. Besides, it would be nice to not have his constant fliers bothering only me 24/7."

Lucas smiled, rolling his eyes. "Fine, fine... guess I don't really have a choice if I want two cute guys to constantly flirt with me. Could use some friends or something anyways, getting pretty lonely with virtually nobody to talk to."

Word Count: 582
So I know I've been saying that I was gonna post two days today but might have to move that thought to tomorrow since I've been more tired recently, I've had to leave the house a lot for errands and haven't been getting much sleep.

Have a lovely pride y'all, you'll get the weirder goodbye messages back tomorrow.
KayBee out!

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