Brothers (FTO)

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*Here's another kinda-sorta-maybe request! Hope you enjoy WerewolfFroompGaming and I hope this is what you wanted! Also this is like a month late oops*

David sat on the edge of the island, sobbing. He still couldn't believe that Brandon was really gone. He and Ritchie had been the first ones to ever accept him but now.... now Brandon had disappeared and Ritchie had pushed everyone away. David felt alone for the first time since he joined Divinus Magia. David felt weak crying his eyes out like this. He felt a little better knowing that he was most likely the only one that knew of this place seeing it was at the edge of the water and concealed by trees, so he wouldn't have to face that embarrassment today. Or so he thought..

"David?" David froze as he heard Lucas's voice in front of him, refusing to lift his head from his knees even as he felt arms wrap around him in a comforting manner. He started to break down and just couldn't stop his tears, no matter how hard he tried.

"Shh, let it all out. If you keep your emotions bottled up, you'll eventually end up doing something you regret. Cry it all out." Lucas sat there with David in his arms, comforting the taller.

When David calmed down a little, he finally looked up at Lucas. "How did you even find me?"

"I was walking around underwater where nobody would bother me when I heard you crying. Now, can you tell me what's wrong?"

David looked down at his feet. "I just..... feel alone now that Brandon's gone. Ritchie has been pushing everyone away, nobody likes me anymore, and Brandon's missing! Brandon and Ritchie were the only two people that accepted me and actually cared, and now I'm by myself again! They both promised they wouldn't abandon me, THEY PROMISED!!!" He broke down sobbing after he yelled, still feeling awful but feeling the tiniest bit better now that he had let his emotions loose.

"Oh David.... I didn't know you felt like that. I love you like a brother and I can swear to you that I won't abandon you like that did. Nobody likes you? Nobody likes me either. We've gotta stick together. If they can't see how we've been trying our best then they don't deserve a second glance." Lucas crushed David in another hug and the two sat there for what felt like hours, hugging and crying and finally getting all of their hidden emotions out in the open. No matter what happened next both of them would be fine, they are siblings after all. And siblings have each other's backs.
Yo so like I need to sleep but I can't and I just realized I never actually posted this. Oh well. I've just been reading to tire me out enough to sleep but it's backfired cuz now I don't wanna sleep I want to finish this book I'm struggling. Y'all should totally check out the Inheritance Cycle, I'm on book three and it's like the best thing ever and so far I've only met one person who's read the books and that's Cartofi_Deprimat who has great writing skills uwu. Anyways I should probably sleep soooo..... (I just realized telling someone to have an inspirational night may be counterproductive but like dreams exist so it's fine.) Have an amazingly, fantastically, beautifully, magically inspirational day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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