A "Little" Crush (OriginZ)

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*The tower and all that drama never happened in this oneshot, the exploding building they jumped out of was some random building they were raiding on a supply run and the whole 'Austin sacrificing himself' ordeal never happened. Bri and Austin still kissed and are a thing tho. I was inspired by some random people in the comments of Princey's video.*

Colin was in his room screaming into his pillow while Justin was sat on the bed next to him, awkwardly patting his back. Colin's face was red and he looked like a tomato.

"I just don't understand how he could be so cute! And he's so respectful and kind, it's just not fair!" Colin continued to rant to Justin after he lifted his head from the pillow and stopped screeching. "He even had the NERVE to make sure I was completely fine and smile his absolutely ADORABLE smile! Why is he so. Freaking. PERFECT."

Justin looked at his bestie with amusement clear on his face. Colin has let him ramble about Bryan to him, and Justin could now understand why Colin laughed at him. "Why don't you try telling him how you feel?"

Colin looked down sadly at his pillow, unaware that a certain someone had entered the room and was now standing behind him. Justin smirked at the person before turning back to hear Colin's response. "Why would be even like me back.. I'm sure there's some girl he'd be willing to date other than me.. I don't even know if Seek is into dudes."

"It's your lucky day, I'd be happy to be your boyfriend. Is seven an okay time for a date?" Colin jumped and turned around to see Seek standing at the foot of the bed. It seemed impossible for Colin's face to get any redder, but it did.

"U-um.... A date at seven s-sounds perfect! I-I guess I'll see y-you then?" Colin giggled a bit, extremely nervous to hear an answer.

"See you then, sweetheart! You don't need anything formal, I'll come grab you at seven." Seek kissed Colin's cheek before turning and walking out the door.

Colin just sat there for a moment before turning to Justin. "What just happened." Justin laughed at Colin's shocked expression.

Word Count: 377
I felt like writing fluff, so here's some fluff for ya! I'm hoping that there will be a season 2 of OriginZ because I need to know so many things. What the heck is Serenity Falls? What was with Colin's blush when Seek landed on top of him? What happens to everybody else? There are way to many cliffhangers for there to not be a season 2. Have a fantastically, magically, extraordinary, out of this world day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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