Fun Friendships (SNO)

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*Warning: This story has mentions of anxiety and if you feel uncomfortable reading that, please skip this chapter.
Lucas is a female and goes by "Lukie" in this. This story is told by my wild imagination, so it might seem different. Plus I didn't kill off anyone cuz my heart can't handle that yet. Also phones exist cuz P L O T.*

Brandon waited as his sister changed into the dress she had chosen for the party. The party was to celebrate the defeat of the Wild Hunt a week before, so everyone was dressed formally. He was wearing a black tux, though he wasn't bothered to fix his hair. (Basically Lucas's normal outfit but black and white.) He heard the front door open, so he looked down from the tree he was in at his sister.

Lukie looked stunning to say the least. Her blonde hair was in a loose braid, a couple of strands of hair falling in front of her ears. The dress she was wearing was black and faded into white sparkles at the bottom. The dress was sleeveless. The dress came down to her knees. She was also wearing white leggings and a pair of black flats. She was wearing no makeup. Brandon flew down to greet her.

"Ready to go?" He asked as soon as his feet his the floor.

"Yep! I'm excited for this party!" She jumped in excitement, bangs falling in her face.

Brandon laughed at his sister's innocence and carefully moved the hair out of her face so she could actually see. The siblings then flew towards the area the party was held at, which was the same place the Christmas party was. (I forgot the name of it, don't judge me.)

The two fallen angels arrived at the party about five minutes early. A couple of others had gotten there early too. Jackson was obviously one of them because he hosted the party.

"Hi Lukie, Brandon! Both of you look amazing, I'm glad you could make it." Jackson came over to greet them before going to greet the Packhaven wolves that just arrived.

Lukie stuck close to Brandon, not used to being in such a crowded area. He didn't mind at all, seeing as his sister was awful at socializing. He wasn't much better, but he didn't mind crowds all that much as long as he could leave when he liked. Seeing how nervous his sister was, Brandon nudged her and gave her a supportive smile. She returned it with no hesitation. He looked away from her, confident she would stick by him. She clung to his arm nervously, so he wasn't worried about that.

Brandon glanced around and saw the Devil and his imp talking with Ritchie, Rian, and the rest of the true alphas. Knowing Lukie was comfortable with talking to them, he gently led her over to the group. Everybody greeted them enthusiastically, and Lukie relaxed. She still stuck by her older brother, though.

"Lukie, you look adorable in that dress! We almost have matching outfits, too!" Bri walked over and started to talk with Lukie. She was wearing a dress similar to Lukie's, though it was pink and white and had long sleeves. Bri also had knee high socks and pink heels on instead. (Use your imagination for everyone else's outfits and Bri's hair, I'm lazy and tired -^-.)

"Guess we do, huh? You also look beautiful in that outfit!" Lukie and Bri excitedly talked with each other, ignoring the males of the group. They were so invested in their conversation that they didn't notice when the males had wandered away.

When Bri noticed and pointed out that they were alone in a group of strangers, Lukie started to freak out. Her wings shifted and her breathing picked up, she was obviously uncomfortable and on the verge of a panic attack. Bri saw this and gently led her to an isolated corner of the party. They could still hear the music and everything, they were just in an area nobody would bother them.

Bri was trying to get Lukie to calm down when the girls from Packhaven wandered over. Relana saw the young angel about to have a panic attack and carefully shifted closer. Leaning down, Relana could see tears on Lukie's face and her motherly instincts kicked in.

"Hey sweetie. If you can hear me, could you nod your head?" Lukie nodded once. "Ok, that's good. I'm going to put my hand on your shoulder and your hand on my chest, ok?" Lukie nodded again. "Great, you're doing awesome. I'm going to need you to focus on me and copy my breathing ok?" (I'm going off what someone told me to do the one time I had a panic attack, it worked for me so I though I'd use it here.) Lukie did as she was asked, and soon her breathing was normal and she looked around at the concerned girls. Her wings curled around her slightly as Bri rubbed her back and Relana let go of Lukie's hand and shoulder.

"T-thank you. I'm Lukie, what are y-your names? I only k-know B-Bri right now." Lukie has a slight blush on her face from the attention she was receiving from all four girls.

"I'm Relana, the one with blonde hair is Hannah, and the other one is Marshie. We're from Packhaven!" After the introductions, the girls stayed in the corner and socialized with each other. By dinner time, they had become fast friends and were having fun. The witch Kay was also dragged into socialization, but wasn't protesting seeing as they were the only females at the party. (I forget if Kay used a different name for her character so please do not yell at me in the comments.)

At the dinner table that was set up for the celebration where the Christmas tree used to be, the girls all sat at one end of the table. Lukie ended up at the end of their little group, so she sat in between her brother and Relena. Then there was Marshie next to her, then Bri at the head of the table, then Hannah, and finally Kay.

A couple people had speeches about how thankful they were there was peace and the Wild Hunt was stopped while Xylo and Relena announced that they were expecting. The girls all congratulated their new friend while they ate, having a fun time socializing over dinner.

When it was time to dance, they all stuck in a group. Sure the couples like Xylo and Relena, Bri and Austin, and Brandon and Lukie (me and my sibling + cousins did this at a wedding, it was fun) danced when more romantic songs came on, but otherwise they had fun dancing in a group.

By the end of the party they all had each other's phone numbers and had made a group chat specifically for the girls. Everybody else questioned how they could form such a strong friendship in just one night, especially the less social ones, but every time someone asked the only response they got was "magic."

Word Count: 1189
Yo, I'm alive. I haven't been doing the best with updates lately, so have this. I'm probably going to be making a chapter on the texts in this group chat because from my experience it's going to be hilarious. Also, please tell me if I did anything wrong in this chapter. This is based off of personal experiences, but you can never be too careful. I forgot to post this originally but like if the word ok is randomly changed to joe's barbecue and foot massage anywhere in my stories from now on blame my friends. Have a magnificently spectacularly magical day/night wherever y'all are!
KayBee out!

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