The Party

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*Edited (except for the smut I didn't want to read that cringe worth shit😭😂)*
The 5th year party. It's a party that all 5th years, since anyone can remember, attend to congratulate you for getting more than halfway through the school year. Some years parties were very boring and some were actually fun. Well, my party is probably one of the best ones. There was loud music, everyone was dancing, lots of alcohol, and everyone was enjoying it. Nobody was bored in the corner. Everyone was hanging out with someone. Well everyone but me. I was sitting alone watching everyone else have fun. I watched everyone while I got wasted. The more time went by the more bottles I had next to me. It was all great until I felt someone sit next to me.

"H..*hiccup*..hi potter"

My head was spinning I didn't really want to turn around. I didn't really care who was next to me.

"Potter! I said hi!" I heard again.

I turned my head and saw the finest blonde I've ever seen.

"H...hell...*hiccup*...o" I slurred in response.

We sat in pretty comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before he turned to me and ran his hand down my chest.

"You, Potter, look like a *hiccup* bottom."

I looked at the blonde in confusion. Me a bottom?! No way. If we were about to leave and have sex I would top this boy.

"Me? A bottom? No way...i..i'm a better top than you."

"Did I...eve...ever tell you how gorgeous your e...eyes are?"

I looked him in the eye and laughed. Do I know why I laughed? No, no I don't but I did.

"I want to top *hiccup* you potter."

"What...what if I want you to"

"Oh, p...potter you are the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on. Did you *hiccup* know that."

I wish I could make out who this person was. I was way too drunk for that.

"You know *hiccup* I don't know who you are, but I'd let you fuck me right now."

The blonde turned and looked are me like I was crazy. He must be messing with me. He then smiled. It was a very drunk smile. Like you could tell he was drunk as hell.

"I did so much to im...impress you, potter. You never even noticed I was trying to get your atten...tion"

"I I *hiccup* did notice you."

"yeah in a b..bad way"

"Noooo way"

He looked at me with such passion in his eyes. Like I knew what he wanted but I wasn't going to give in. I didn't even know who this guy was.

"p..potter. your friends make you look twice as g*hiccup* good. They look h..home...homeless next to you...did you know...know that?"

"but *hiccup* but why?"

"because potter*hiccup* they're *hiccup* not as fine as you, have you seen your*hiccup*ass potter!?"

I went to thinking and... I don't think I have.

"I...i don't I have"

His eyes whet super wide and he almost looked disappointed.

"Are you serious! It's the f..finest I've ever s..seen"

I felt my face get kinda hot. I mean this guy was full-on flirting with me and I'm just sitting here looking a fool.

"oh, potter....i've d..dreamed of this moment. Sitting here with talking friends."

"well...are we f..*hiccup* friends?"

"i wi..wish"

We were just looking at each other when Ron and Hermione walked up to me. Ron was wasted and Hermione was trying to keep him up straight.

"Come on Harry, Your drunk and you need to get back to the dormitory."

" he doesn't," I heard the blonde say "you don't control him."

Hermione looked at him in shock and disgust. She rolled her eyes and said, "well I'll come to get you later when this party is over." then she walked away.

"Who is*hiccup* that?"

"That's Hermione. My *hiccup* friend"

He gave me this look. A look that said 'she's probably more than a friend' but I'm not going to lie, Hermione, is very pretty and smart but I'm kinda liking this blonde kid. I'm not saying I have a crush on her! She's just intelligent and helps me with my homework. Then we just sat there. Neither of us moved. We just looked at each other. The music got louder but neither of us moved or looked away. The blonde moved closer to me. Still not breaking eye contact.
Then it happened. We got closer and closer and closer until our noses touched. He leaned in and kissed me.
At first, it was a simple peck. Then another kiss happened. That one lasted a bit longer.
I opened my mouth a little and it instantly turned into a tongue war. He tasted like Whiskey.
It tasted good on him.
Well, he won the war so I was stuck being the submissive. Honestly, I didn't mind.
Then I felt his hand run up my shirt and go right back down.


I nodded and we left the loud party and went to the quiet and isolated Room of Requirements.

When the wall opened up it was a small room, a king-sized bed with curtains in the back, a leather couch in the middle of the room, and a fireplace. It also had other things a bedroom would have but those three things were the first I saw.

The blonde dragged me inside and threw open the curtains and pushed me on the bed.

"You *hiccup* s..sure you wanna this?"

*This is where I stopped editing so sorry for mistakes😭*

[July 16....I deleted that ugly ass smut :) ]

"That....was...*hiccup* amazing."

I'm glad he thought so. I mean he wasn't in pain the whole time. I was the one doing most of the work but whatever.


"I think w...we should get going. Your....your friends are going to go l...looking for you."

We both went to get up but I fell right back down. There was no way in hell I was going to limp all the way there.
He looked down at me knowing why I wasn't getting up.

"I think my dick did a*hiccup* pretty good job. You can...can't even walk," he said laughing.

"It's not f..funny!"

That didn't stop him from laughing.

"I'll stay with"

He laid down next to me and we both continued to look at the ceiling. We looked at the ceiling until we turned to look at each other. I had just had sex with a guy. A pretty blonde. I liked it too, I liked him topping me.
I fell asleep with these thoughts and pain, can't forget the pain.
Word Count: 1438
Publish Date: May 2nd, 2020

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