Baby Daddy Talk

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"Draco? Draco are you awake?"

"No go away." he groaned putting the pillow over his face.

Hermione and Pansy told me that they have gotten both of the boys to agree to meet and talk about this situation. They hoped this would get them to become friends then soon become more than that.

"Draco!" I yelled taking away his pillow and hitting him with it.

"Blaise! I'm up! I'm up! Stop!"

"It's about time! You have to get dressed right now!"

"It's Saturday. I have no classes now let me go back to sleep."

"Draco. You don't want to go to your meeting with Harry with your hair looking like that now do you?"

His eyes shot open and his hands went straight to his hair.

"HELL NO!" He got up and ran towards the bathroom.

I knew that would make him get up.
"Harry? Harry, you need to get up."

"Hermione please I'm exhausted."

"I know Harry but you have to talk to Draco."

"That's today? he groaned.

"I'm afraid so, so let's get ready."

He got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom.
I was kind of worried about what Draco had to say. I mean Harry was getting a bit sensitive and couldn't take much. I was just hoping the conversation was light and not too much telling was done.
Pansy told me Draco had been preparing things he wanted to say and planned to keep it PG but with these two you never know what's going to happen next.

"Harry are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm coming. Wait downstairs."

I nodded my head, even though he couldn't see me, and walked down the stairs. Hopefully, this went well.
"Now Draco what did I tell you?"

"That I have to be respectful and answer any questions he has for me. No questions or ideas are stupid."

"Good boy."

I rolled my eyes at my friend's words. Today was the day. The day I would talk to Harry.
I don't know why I was so nervous I used to talk to him every day, but this made me extremely nervous.
He had my kid with him so of course, I would be nervous.

"Blaise what if he doesn't listen to me?"

"Then you make him listen."

"But I have to be respectful about it?"

I walked down the common room stairs a nervous mess!
I didn't want to do this at all! It was crazy to think that the boy that got me pregnant and said he didn't want our baby now wanted to talk to me.
I didn't trust Malfoy at all and I sure as hell wasn't about to trust anything he said.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah... I think so."

"We're going to the library."

I nodded my head as we walked through the portrait.
"Blaise where is he!"

"Draco cut him some slack! He's pregnant for god's sake!"

He was right. He wasn't even here yet and I was already being rude.
There were so many things I wanted to tell him but such little time to do it.
Pansy told me I only have an hour to tell him everything I need to say.
Then I heard the door open.

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