Month 4 (Dracos PoV)

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Today marked month four. Miscarriage month. The month that every damn person hates. This month was very important and needed to be taken seriously.
This month wasn't full of fear and distress though, on the other hand Harry's bump was a tad bit bigger which I thought was adorable but Harry didn't think that at all. He was still extremely insecure and wanted to hide his bump. He told me he didn't care how about the number of people that knew, he would always wear that glamour. I hated that stupid glamour. I wanted to be able to see my baby growing but as long as Harry was insecure that spell would stay in place.
It broke my heart seeing him put that on every day.
Well, I didn't see him do it but every time I reach to feel my baby his stomach would be flat.



"Why can't I feel my baby? You know the one we made."

"She's there it's just I don't want my stomach out."

"Harry your beautiful! Especially with this baby bump! This is our child! This is our baby! Take the glamor off please."

He did what I asked and took it off. So slouched on the couch and put my hands on his stomach.

"Hi, baby girl," I whispered.

"Draco, I don't think she cares."

"I don't care! This is my child!"

It was around 5 pm when Hermione showed up.

"Harry come on we have to get ready for dinner."

"Right," he whispered at looked over at me, "bye Draco."

"Bye Harry..."

I watched as he got up and left the common room. I hated it when he left. We always had so much fun together and with him here with me, I knew he was safe along with my baby.
Blaise and Pansy came out of their rooms a couple of minutes later and gave me confused looks when they saw me slouching.

"Draco, dear," Pansy said sitting next to me, "You never slouch. What's wrong?"

I groaned and got up, "Can we just go to dinner now?"

"Yeah, I guess we can," Blaise said helping Pansy off the couch.

We walked out of the room in silence, walked down the halls in silence, walked in the hall in silence, basically nobody said anything. I was completely fine with that because I had better things to fix. I had to watch Harry and make sure nothing happened to him or the baby. It was very time consuming so I wasn't eating much. I had my head resting on my hand and my other hand was pushing food around on my plate. 
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Blaise start looking at me or he could've been looking at Pansy, I wasn't too sure because Pansy was on the opposite side.
Quite frankly I didn't care. I was too busy looking at the boy across the hall. Him and his beautiful eyes.

"Draco! Stop staring and listen!" Pansy yelled smacking me upside the head.

"Ow, Pansy, what was that for!" I turned and looked at the girl next to me who had the nerve to hit me.

"Draco we saw you."

"No shit, Pansy, I'm sitting right here."

"No, Draco. We saw you staring." came the deeper voice on my other side.

I turned to face him and I felt the confused look on my face.

"Blaise. What are you implying."

"Draco. Do you like him."

"Of course I do! He's like my friend now," I said putting my fork in my mouth.

"No Draco like do want a relationship with him, like kissing and shit."

My eyes went wide. I couldn't believe him! I knew I was gay and Blaise was the only person that truly knew but I can't believe he had the nerve to say that out loud! Someone would probably question my sexuality now! I didn't have time for homophobic slurs.

"Blaise," I said chuckling, "are you insane! Of course, I don't want to have a relationship with him like that! We fucked once! That doesn't mean I want to do it again."

"Draco I didn't say anything about having sex."


"No, I didn't."

I groaned when I felt pointy nails poking my back so I turned around and faced whom they belonged to.


"What Pansy. What could you possibly need." I hissed, crossing my arms.

"I know."

"Know what? You don't know shit."

"You're gay," she whispered.

My eyes went wide again and my face went red. How did she find out! What if she told someone! Hell no. I mean if she knows then she'll try even harder to get answers out of me. I would always deny it. I did not like Harry bloody Potter.

"How did you find out." I returned to the same whisper.

"You cringe when girls touch you or seduce you. Plus look at yourself you look gay and you act gay."

I quickly put my hand over her mouth so she could say anything else. I didn't need the whole bloody table knowing my business.
What it that obvious?
Was I prissy?!?
She slowly removed my hand and stared up at me.

"Draco. I'll always support you but you have to answer my question. Do you like him? More than a friend."

"No, Pansy! I don't! Yeah, you might have figured out one thing about me but there is no way I like him! He's just the person carrying my kid! This has brought on a friendship that I'm quite proud of."

"But Draco you guys clicked very fast."

"Pansy that doesn't mean anything."

"Yes It does Draco and you know it."

I turned around to see the person that had just said that.

"Blaise. I do not like him like that!"

"Then why are you always watching him!"

"Because I need to make sure he's safe and that my baby is safe! Plus this month is miscarriage month!"

"I understand that Draco but you practically drool over him."

"I do not! I just watch!"

"Draco! If he's with Ron and Hermione he's safe! You don't need to watch him 24/7!"

"Yes, I do! If something happens while I'm not watching I'll feel guilty!"

"Nothings going to happen Draco you need to calm down."

I rolled my eyes and left the room. I heard them try and reason with me but I wasn't in the mood for this today. If something happened to Harry while I wasn't there I would feel guilt for the rest of my life!
They thought I had fallen in love with him or something. Just because we are super close now and because it happened so fast doesn't mean anything!
We were destined to be friends. We were supposed to start this friendship 5 years ago so that's probably why we clicked so fast.
None of that even matters. As long as our baby has a stable home life then I didn't care what anyone thought.
Word Count: 1188
Publish Date: May 17, 2020
Sorry for mistakes sometimes Grammarly doesn't pick everything up.

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