One Room

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"Draco?" Harry said taking a bite of the candy apple he had been craving.


"When do you think the baby will kick?"

"Well, I'm not sure. I thought she already did?"

Harry stopped chewing and stared at me with fear in his eyes.

"Draco is the baby already supposed to start kicking?!"

"Harry calm down," I said putting my arm around him, "they baby is fine. All babies kick on their own time. If our doesn't kick soon we'll get her looked at, okay?"

"Okay." He rested his head on my chest and continued to eat his apple.

We spend the whole day together. It was Saturday so no classes would interrupt us. We, Harry, are a bunch of junk food as we talked in the Slytherin common room. Pansy and Blaise joined us for an hour or two then went to meet up with Hermione and Weaselbee.
We took a nap on one of the leather couches, he was laying on top of me like I was some pillow. I didn't mind it too much, he was fairly light which concerned me a little. He had his glamour on so that was probably why.
I love spending time with him. I felt like he was the only person besides Blaise that I could really open up to. He was like my best friend and I wouldn't give that up for the world. Plus we were having a baby! I think this was going to bring us super close.

"Draco." I heard someone whisper. I looked around and saw Pansy at the common room entrance.

"Pansy, why are you whispering?"

"Shhhhhh!" she put her finger over her mouth then pointed at me. I was super confused until I looked down and saw Harry asleep.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Dumbledore need to see you and Harry immediately." after she finished talking she walked right back out.

What did he possibly want? I knew there was no rule about carrying on campus but I couldn't help but think that Dumbledore was going to send Harry away. Back to those evil muggles, he spends his summer with.

"Harry," I whispered shaking him lightly away.


"Dumbledore wants to see us. It's important."

"Okayyyyy." he stretched and yawned before getting up and walking out the door with me. Actually, it wasn't a door more of a sliding wall but whatever.

"Draco?" Harry asked as we were on our way to Dumbledores office.


"Do you think he's planning to take me away? Do you think he's sending me away?"

I sighed, "Harry I thought about that too. I won't let him take you away."

We walked the rest of the way in silence. I didn't even want to think about it. What if they did take him away? I couldn't live with myself knowing he was with those evil muggles.
We reached the entrance and I whispered the password.
The moment it opened we heard the sound of Dumbledore welcoming us.

"Mr. Potter! Mr.Malfoy! Please enter and take a seat."

We did what he told us to do and sat in chairs right in front of his huge desk.

"Before you start headmaster I would like to say Harry isn't leaving. I won't allow you to send him down to those evil muggles."

He gave a light chuckle before speaking again, "Mr.Malfoy please calm down. I'm not sending Harry away. I'm giving the two of you your own room."

Harry and I both went wide-eyed and looked at each other.

"What for?"

"Well, Mr.Potter you are expecting a child and I would like you and Mr.Malfoy to be in the comfort of your own mini flat."

"So we'll be living in a flat together?"

"That is correct Mr.Potter. Your thinks are being moved yo that location as we speak. The entrance is in the kitchen hall behind a portrait of a mother and daughter in their garden. They are both very sweet and enjoy talking to their visitors. The mother's name is Megan and the daughter's name is Culture. I hope you enjoy your flat."

"Thank you. We'll be going now," I said taking harry's hand and leading him out.

"Draco isn't this exciting! We have our own flat!"

"It is. Now I get to keep an eye on you and make sure nothing happens."

Harry rolled his eyes as we went to search for our new room.
We walked up and down the kitchen hall but neither of us could find the portrait.

"Draco! Stop walking its right here!"

I was a couple of feet in front of harry but once he said that I turned and ran to him.
Megan was a very pale woman who was wearing a silky lavender dress with a white hat. Culture was around the age of eight, she wore a pink skirt with lace and a white collared shirt.

"Mom! Mom looks we have visitors!"

Megan ran over and smiled at us, "Hello, and who might you be?"

"Hello, Megan. I'm Draco and this is Harry."

"And why might you be in need of our room?" Culture asked.

"Well Culture, Harry is having a baby and we are going to be spending the rest of the year and probably the rest of our years here in this room."

"Well, we are very excited to have you," Megan said opening her picture frame to reveal a long hall.

I grabbed harry's hand and walked all the way down until I saw the Slytherin common room...except it was more of a mix of both Slytherin and Gryffindor colors.

"Wow! This is amazing! I'm going to look around." Harry let go of my hand and ran to look at all of the rooms.

I just stood there admiring the room in front of me. I couldn't believe this is the room I might raise my baby girl for a couple of years.
I went into the kitchen area and noticed that everything had a lock on it.
The whole flat was childproof.

"Draco! I think our room is designed to look like our dormitory!"

I got curious and went to find my room. When I opened the door I was hit by the cool breeze that reminded me of my old dormitory.
sit liked exactly like the dormitory except there was one huge bed in the center and there was a water wall.
The room was absolutely mesmerizing.
I walked out to find Harry laying on one of the leather couches.

"What do you think?"

He sat up and looked at me with the happiest smile, "I love it! There's this one room that I can't open but I still love it. We're going to raise her here Draco."

I could tell his hormones were getting to him because the sight of this room made him cry. I sat next to him and held him.

"Yup we sure are. It's going to be perfect. She's going to be perfect."
"What do you think they're doing?" My girlfriend said taking a huge if her salad

"Hermione. They're either snogging or shagging."

She looked at me confused, "Pansy. They're friends but I do think this is going to spark some kind of relationship. More than friendship."

"You really think so?"

"Pansy is obvious they both want each other again."

"Your right. Draco is the horniest person I've ever met. I bet just being in the same room with Harry makes him hard."

We both went silent for a couple of seconds before we started laughing hysterically.
Word Count: 1260
Publish Date: May 17, 2020

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