A First

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I tried to sleep but there would be no possible way I would be able to. I mean I was seeing Harry in a couple of hours!
I hadn't seen or heard from him in a week and it was bothering the shit out of me!
It was around 4:45 am and that's around the time I ordered Dobby to wake me up. The plan was to wake up super early so I could make myself look perfect but I already knew I was going to have huge bags under my eyes and my face was about to be broken the fuck out. Every time I had somewhere important to go many faces would look horrid!

"Mini Master," Dobby said before realizing I was awake, "Oh, good morning Mini-Master Malfoy. Dobby was coming to remind you to wake up but Dobby sees your already awake."

"Yeah, good morning Dobby. Go, wake mother and father, if you wouldn't mind."

"Of course!" Instead of snapping Dobby ran out of the room as fast as he could.

I dragged myself out of bed and walked into my bathroom.
The first thing I realized is that I looked sexy as fuck!
My face was clear and my eyes didn't look tired!
Damn. I really was one of the hottest motherfuckers in that school.
That wasn't the point though.
I spent the next two hours making sure I looked perfect in every way.
I look a 20-minute shower, put on my uniform, brushed my teeth, and took the last 45 minutes doing my hair.
I wasn't even ashamed it took that long because I love my hair looking perfect!

"Mini Master Draco?"

"Yeah?" I yelled from the bathroom.

"Mistress Malfoy requests that you hurry up and come down for breakfast."

Shit! I forgot about breakfast! I quickly ran out of the bathroom, grabbed my luggage and robes, and ran down the halls and stairs.


It was mother. She always hated when I missed breakfast especially when it was the last breakfast we had till next break.

"I'm so sorry," I said entering the dining room.

"My! Draco I can tell why you took so long! Look at you! You look adorable!" Mother squealed.

"Not adorable mom."

I sat down and tried finishing as fast as possible.

"Draco why are you eating so fast?"

"Father! This is the day I've been waiting for!"

"Draco, honey, we don't have to be there for another hour."

I didn't answer her and keep shoving food in my mouth. There was no way I was going to be late.
I finished around...4 minutes later and ran out of the room.


I heard chairs being pushed out rather fast and then running.

"Don't you dare!" Mother said from down the hall.

I stood still till they reached the floo.

"Can we go now!"

Mother pulled me into a hug and my father soon joined in.

"We know you're going to run off the moment we get there so we'll just do this now."

I sighed at mother's words. I didn't want to wait! I wanted to be at Kings across Station now! I wanted to see Harry and know if he was okay! I knew he probably was saying he was at that hospital but I needed to know for myself.
Mother eventually let go and we disappeared into the floo.
I stepped out into the crowd and ran off. I looked back once and saw mother and father waving to me. I waved back and kept running.
I would find him before I had to get on that train and nobody would stop me.
I quickly put my stuff away and continued to run.
I ran until I saw the person I've been wanting to see.
He was putting his stuff away then turned around and saw me. He gave me that smile that he gave me in the hospital.
We stood there staring at each other for a second then he took a couple of steps.
Fuck steps! I full-on ran to him. I ran to him and threw my arms around him.
Neither of us said another we just stood there hugging, in the middle of this huge crowd.
I backed up from the hug and just looked into his eyes.
I knew what I wanted to do. All the answers hit me at this exact moment. I knew what I wanted. I knew why I wanted to keep him safe. I knew why I was so impatient to see him. I knew everything.
I was in love with him.
Without thinking more into my feelings I roughly pushed my lips against his.
It took a second but he kissed me back wrapping his arms around my neck. I didn't give one care in the world who was watching us. I knew people were probably staring but this was our moment.
It started as a few simple kisses then I bit his lip asking for entrance but I backed up the moment he started opening his mouth. Instead, I took his hand and ran to my compartment.

[July 16....I deleted this ugly ass smut :) Ima rewrite it tho]

Harry got off of me and we both laid down. He was laying on me since the booth was so small.
We laid there in silence as I played with his hair.
A couple of hours later the train came to a stop and we knew people we going to start running around and if we walked out everyone would know we had sex.
I wasn't ashamed of it but I don't know if he wanted everyone to know.

"I can just apparate if you want."

He looked at me with shocked eyes, "You can apparate?"

I nodded my head and found my wand. I learned to do it from my father. I practiced it a bunch at home but I wasn't allowed to use it at school because I wasn't on that level yet.
A couple of minutes later we were both in my bed with our legs tangled in each other.
We were missing dinner and Dumbledore's speech but I don't think either of us cared that much about his silly little speech or him at all.
Harry's breathing slowed so I assumed that he fell asleep. He probably did, I mean he just used a bunch of energy in that compartment.

We stayed there, in my bed, for the rest of the day. We didn't even shower! We were laying in our own cum...
We could just shower tomorrow.
I bet Pansy and the rest of the gang were worried about us, they all probably read the paper and found out about what happened. I could just tell them everything tomorrow. This time was for us.
This is what I've been missing all these months. I've been wanting this. I've been needing this. I've been needing Harry by my side and this close to me for so long.
I think I've got him now.
Word Count: 1947
Publish Date: May 20, 2020

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