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~Dracos Pov~
I sent those damn extras to check on Harry around an hour ago and they still weren't here. It really annoyed me that they hadn't gone earlier to check on him.
Something could be happening right now and I wouldn't even know it.

~Narcissas Pov~
I had sent Draco up to his room after threatening Luis and Avery. I could understand how mad he was but he didn't have to threaten them like that.

"Did you really have to do all that Narcissa They boy knows what he wants and that's going to get him where he wants."

I turned around and looked at my husband in confusion.

"Lucius. He threatened them. That's completely unacceptable. Those two boys work very hard to make sure Harry's okay."

"They think that just because nothing has happened in the past that nothing is going to happen today! Draco that child's father and Harry's boyfriend. He has the right to know that they are both safe."

I sighed after realizing that my husband was right.

We continued to talk more about what we were going to do with the baby once she came to live with us for the summer. We both knew Dumbledore wouldn't allow Harry to come with her so we would have to continue to send Luis and Avery.

Out of nowhere the doors of the sitting room burst open. Lucius stood up in front of me thinking it was some sort of intruder.
Once the two figures got closer we realized it was the two boys we had sent out an hour ago.

They both were sweating and had a very nervous look on their faces.

I stood up beside my husband as they began to quick speak.

"He's in labor! Harry's in labor!" They said at the same time.

Lucius and I exchanged looks, "Go tell Draco." I nodded my head and ran out of the room.

I ran quickly down all the halls and ran up a flight of stairs. I quickly passed by house-elves, they asked me what the rush was but I had no time to explain what was going on.

I finally made it to his room but when I tried to open the door it was, of course, locked.

"Draco!" I yelled banging on the door, "Draco open the door!"

"Go away." I heard him groan.


"WHAT?!" I listened as he ran around his room, probably tripping and almost falling. 

Eventually, he opened the door quickly and ran right past me.

"Draco!" I called after him but he didn't stop and I had no idea where he was off to.

I ran after my son as fast as I could but there was no way I was going to catch him. He turned one corner and was gone the moment I turned it as well.
I knew I wasn't going to find him so I went straight back to the sitting room, where I found my husband still talking to the two boys.

"They said they called St Mungo's. He sounds to be there right now." My husband said taking my arm as I continued to breathe heavily after running through all of those halls.

"He...D-Draco ran off. I c-can't find him." I said between breaths.

"I know where he is, but we have to hurry."

We ran down the halls again and my husband leads me right to the floo. We say Draco pick up powder and mutter something very quickly.

"DRACO WAIT!" We both called but of course, he didn't wait. He disappeared in a matter of seconds.

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