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"Get out! Get out! Get out! And don't come back for a couple of hours!"

Draco and I were pushed into the cold hall by the girls. They said they had a surprise for us but I don't think they had any right to push us out like that.

"Well, since we can't go in there where should we go," Draco?

I didn't want to do a bunch of walking with him because of the baby but I was still going to be a nice boyfriend and let him choose.

"Wherever you want."

He stood still thinking for a minute before his face lit up, "Let go to the forest. There's a bunch to see so we won't get bored. Maybe we'll find a unicorn."

He set foot towards the exit while I trailed behind him. Of course, he wanted to go there. The one place that doesn't have anywhere to sit but the ground.

"Harry wait up!"
"Okay, do we have all the stuff?"

Ginny and Luna nodded their heads as Pansy came walking into the room with parts to build a crib.

"Pansy?" Pansy looked up at Luna who spoke in a calm voice, "Why didn't you use your wand?"

Pansys eyes went wide as she remembered she was a wizard and could have done it a much quicker way.

"Well, I'm here now so let's get to work."

We had all had this planned for quite some time and it was finally ready to go into action.

We were setting up a nursery for the baby girl Draco and Harry were having! We all knew the baby only had a chance of sleeping her for a couple of days before they had to leave but it was great for the new year.

We decided to make the room a crossover of Slytherin and Gryffindor. It was absolutely adorable!

We even enchanted a small painting of a snitch to fly on the walls. I have to admit that our vision was great. Now we just had to put it together.

"Luna, honey, how's the snitch going?"

"Oh, Ginny it's going great!"

Luna was in charge of painting the walls, Pansy was in charge of building the crib, Ginny was in charge of putting all the other things together, and I was in charge loading the room up with baby essentials.

"Pansy hows the crib?"

Pansy looked up at me with strained eyes, "Great." she spat sarcastically.
Draco and I were walking around the enchanted forest while the girls set up the "surprise".

I kept feeling Draco's eyes on me as we walked. He was probably nervous that something would happen to me while out here. Just because he was pregnant doesn't mean I can't do things.

I mean I'm only 5 months and I had a glamour on.

"Draco stop."

He quickly turned his head acting like he didn't do anything, "What are you talking about?"

"Draco I can feel your eyes on me."

"I just want you to be safe."

"I am safe Draco. Stop worrying about me so much, nothing can happen out here in the morning and we both know that. There's nothing to worry about out here."

I heard him sigh and he held my hand tighter. I know he was worried about me. I was doing a bunch of walking but I hate being lazy.

We walked through this bush and saw a huge waterfall with a small lake at the bottom.

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