Month 4 (Harrys PoV)

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I noticed the stares. I noticed all of them. I noticed the stares of my friend. He would stare at me in every class, every hallway, and during every meal. I could feel is cold gray eyes staring at me.
I didn't know why he did this he just did. I noticed how Pansy and Blaise noticed these stares too. I was hoping Hermione and Ron didn't notice. They're hold never let it go and take it in the wrong direction.
I could hear them now asking me if we were together.
We weren't together.
Draco and I were friends and nothing more, he stepped up and decided to take responsibility for his baby. I was happy about that too. Now I could go through this with her other father. Now I wasn't going to be a single parent. I had Draco to help me through it all. Yeah, my friends helped a lot but it wasn't the same. The feeling wasn't the same.
I felt safe with Draco. It felt nothing could get in our way of having our baby.
My feelings towards that are very confusing and there's really no way to put it into words but what I did know is that whatever I and Draco had wasn't anything more than a friendship. There was nothing more to it.
It was a friendship and it was going to stay like that.


I turned and looked at my bushy-haired friend who was looking at the Slytherin table.


"I've been think and I think there is something more to you and Dracos relationship."

"Excuse me?"

"Yes. You clicked so fast and now you hang out all the time! Plus he stares at you all the time."

"That doesn't mean anything Hermione."

"Harry just tell me."

"Tell you what there's nothing to tell!"

"Harry just tell her if you're having a secret affair with Malfoy or not!" Ron cut in.

I stared daggers at him for cutting in and saying Draco and I were having an affair! We had sex one time! That doesn't mean we're having an affair now! It doesn't mean that at all!

"I'm not having an affair with Malfoy and I do not have a secret relationship with him! Now drop it!"

"But Harry we see how you two talk! You look like you together!"

"Hermione! Drop it!"

She rolled her eyes, turned around, and started a random conversation with the Gryffindor next to her.

"Harry." I heard Ginny whisper.

I groaned and looked at her. She was sitting with Luna who was too busy talking to the person on her other side.

"What Ginny."

"I just have to say that it does look like
your with Malfoy but it wouldn't bother me at all! I mean you did leave me for him."

"GINNY!" I saw people look my way so I brought my voice down to a whisper "I did not leave you for Malfoy! I left you to figure out my sexuality! Yes bring bisexual means I liked boys too but that doesn't mean I like Malfoy.

"Harry if you did I wouldn't care. I mean your carrying his baby so it's kind of perfect."

"I do not like him, Ginny!"

"Whatever you say," she said turning to
face Luna.

What was with everyone and saying I was in love with Malfoy! Sure I like
him but not like that! Draco and I were friends! What did people not understand about that! Why can't friends just be friends? Every time you get a new friend now someone is going to ask you if
you have a feeling for them. Why can Draco and I just be close? I didn't see one
hint of a relationship let alone a sexual one.
All that time I hadn't had Dracos eyes on me but in this quick moment, I felt the coldness of his eyes lock
back on me. I wanted to look up and see what would happen if he knew I knew
but I wasn't going to do that. I was just going to let him stare. I bet he had a
good reason for this too. Draco doesn't just stare to stare. He always has a
reason. I didn't really care what that reason was but it had to
be important, or at leader important to him.
I wasn't going to tell anyone this but I like the feeling of his stares.
One moment the feeling was there and the next it wasn't. It made me quite upset that he looked away and I saw him storming out of the Great Hall.

"Mate?" I heard Ron trying time get my attention but I didn't want to answer.
I wanted to know why he ran out like that.


I looked away from the door rolling my eyes, "Can I help you?"

"I was just wondering why you were staring at the door."

"Don't worry about it."

"I saw Draco leave. Is it because he walked out and isn't watching you anymore?"

I felt my eyes go wide, "Ron. I do not like him like that! How many times do I have to say it to get it through your thick skull!"

It was my turn to storm out.
I ran out of the hall not even thinking about looking back. I didn't know where I was going but I decided to just walk. I walked until I heard a familiar voice.


I turned around and saw Draco walking towards me with open arms. I knew he could tell I was upset.
I accepted his arms and let him hug me.

"What's wrong?"

"Hermione and Ron won't leave me alone. They keep asking me if we're together or if we're having an affair, but Draco you're like my best friend"

I melted deeper into his hug as I listened to his heartbeat.

"Pansy and Blaise did the same thing to me. That's why I left."

It was quiet for a minute or two but I felt it was necessary to ask why he watched me.


"Yea." He pulled me to the floor so I was sitting in between his legs but his arms were still around me.

"I know you watch me," I felt his heartbeat speed up against my back.

"I like knowing you safe. It's not because I want more. I like knowing I can see you. If I can see you nothing can happen to you."

"Thank you for keeping me safe."
Word Count: 1127
Publish Date: May 17, 2020
Almost to the good parts! It's going to stop getting less boring I swear! I'm going to go take a quick nap then I'll have a new chapter up for you <3

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