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~3rd Person Pov~
After Draco told his parents what was going on down at the hospital they immediately made their way to the floo.
The marches straight up to the chief and demanded to know exactly what had happened.

They called the intern, who they found out was named Beverly, down to the office, and started a heated argument.

She claimed that the woman was screaming and wanted her baby extremely bad so she gave her to her. She claimed that the moment she said she would bring the baby back to the room that the woman calmed down.

Lucius and Narcissa were not happy about an intern being able to take a baby out of the ICU so easily. They understood that she was learning but what she had done was unacceptable.

She didn't ask for any names and she didn't try and look through medical records. If she had only asked the name of the girl they would know exactly who they needed to go after.

Narcissa tried to get more information but Lucius had had enough. He told them they would be sued immediately and that all their workers should go and find another job.

Beverly apologized multiple times as tears streamed down her face but Lucius showed no remorse.

An intern had no business handling a newborn.

Since the hospital was being shut down, as the Malfoys sued them for everything they had, Harry along with all the other patients were transported to a nearby hospital.

During his transportation, he didn't say a single word. He didn't shed a single tear. He seemed like...numb.

It didn't matter what anyone said to Harry, he kept his mouth shut and his head down.
He was feeling all kinds of different emotions and didn't know how to express them all. He was angry. He was sad. He was scared.
He just wanted his baby girl back.

At the new hospital, they were brought to a private area away from everyone and everything.

Pansy, Hermione, and Blaise stayed behind in the waiting room and gave the couple some room. Nobody saw something like this coming. It's never something you think about when you give birth.

Draco tried everything he could to get Harry to talk to him but there was no way he was going to say anything now.

He wanted to tell Draco that he was horrible. He wanted Draco to hold him and let him cry into his chest as others outside their room looking for their baby. He just couldn't...he stayed still and quiet as he thought more and more about the moments they actually had.

When Draco got called to cut the cord.
When Draco started crying when he first held her.
When Draco walked in on him feeding and asked for some.
When she was passed along, being held by all of their friends.

He was such a beautiful baby. She looked like Draco but had Harry's hair and was probably going to end up wearing round glasses.

As Harry thought on his moments with his baby Draco tried everything to get some sort of reaction out of him.
He tried giving him food, starting conversations, asking him if he wanted Blaise and the girls to come, but just like all the other times he tried, he got no reaction.

Draco wanted to cry, and sometimes he did, but he had so much hope that they were going to find her that he felt strong enough to pull himself together. He did it for himself but also Harry. He needed someone and that someone was Draco.

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