Month 9

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This chapter is so stupid🤣
          ~~~~~Hermione's Pov~~~~~
Today was the first day of May and it was officially the month when Lily was going to come into this beautiful world!
It was crazy to think that my best friends were having a baby together!
Draco was extremely nervous and always had an eye on Harry. I didn't blame him though, Harry could give birth any second.

Although he was grateful for having us all watching him and making sure he was okay, Harry did get a tad bit annoyed being followed everywhere.
The other day he lashed out on us for following him around all day, but quickly started to feel bad and apologized.

The only two that didn't really keep an eye on him were Ginny and Ron. I didn't know exactly what they were up too but it was quite suspicious. They were always whispering and making quick glances at him. I tried to eavesdrop on their whispering but they scolded me and told me to stay out of their business.
They did most of their whispering during meals and while walking down halls. It was almost like...they were inspecting him.

Draco didn't seem to notice their strange actions like everyone else did. He didn't really notice anything except his boyfriend. He knew what he was doing at all times and almost never took his eyes off of him. It was like Harry giving birth was taking over his whole life. It was scary but he wasn't even taking proper care of himself, which is so unlike him. I mean his hair is greasy! I've never known Malfoy to not take care of his hair.
I tried talking to him about what was wrong and all he said was that he didn't want to miss anything. He wanted to make sure he was there and that Harry was okay and if he were to go into labor he would get to the infirmity as fast as possible.

He was even doing it right now, looking at Harry as though he was about to have her right now. We were walking the halls and I swear nobody could keep their eyes off him.
I had my arm linked with Pansy's and we walked to the Slytherin common room. We were going down there to get Blaise and then head down to the Great Hall.

"Pansy, do you see that?" I looked up at my girlfriend who then looked down on me with a very confused expression, "He isn't even watching where he's going. He's so busy eyeing him."

I looked back to see if Draco heard me, which was stupid seeing how focused he was on Harry.

"Hermione, he could give birth any second! This is the beginning of the 9th month."

"I know, but he isn't due for another 3 weeks. I know she could come early but look at him. Look at his hair!"

I watched as he eyed the blonde and a look of disgust came upon her face, "You're right. He should be doing all that, but you know Draco, he isn't going to stop no matter how hard we try."

She was right. He would never listen to us or anybody that tried to stop him from doing what he was doing.

"Whoa, are you okay?! Is she okay?!"

Pansy and I both went into a bit of a panic as we heard Draco start to freak out, but rolled out eyes when we saw the look on Harry's face.

"Draco. You need to calm down. I put my hand on my stomach because I felt her kick. If I was going into labor I would look like I pissed myself and I would be screaming. Am I screaming? No, so calm down."

Pansy snickered as Harry told off Draco, who looked like a straight idiot.
He quickly apologized and told him that he was just worried.

The rest of our walk was quiet and full of quick glances. Draco held Harry's hand the entire way and I had my arm linked to Pansy's.
When we approached the stairs Draco didn't hesitate to pick Harry up and carry him down.
He didn't complain knowing that whatever every he said wouldn't make Draco out him down.

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