Valentines Day

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Valentine's day. Let me just say this real quick. I hate Valentine's day but now that I was with Harry I was sure he wanted to do something for this day.

We were about to fall asleep the day before the day of red and Harry turned over and looked at me.


"Yeah?" I whispered. He looked kind of nervous.

"Do we have to celebrate tomorrow? I mean don't we do that every day."

I started to laugh just a bit but quickly stopped when I saw small tears running down his face.

"Aww no, harry don't cry. I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing because I hate that day too. We're together every day."

I took him in my arms and let the small tears I had created dry away.

We talked a bit more and decided to just stay in and be together all day. No presents, no decorations, no fancy things, just us.

When we woke up we spent our day in our room, just holding onto each other.

It was quiet for a long time before I spoke up, feeling a huge wave of guilt flood my body.

"I'm so sorry, Harry."

He rolled over and looked into my eyes, "What are you talking about?"

I sat up straight and sighed, "I denied everything. I told you to get an abortion!"

He smiled and scooted closer to me.

"It's okay Draco. It really is."

"Harry it's not! Believe me when I tell you I'm proud of you. I'm proud of what we created! I'm proud to be her father. I really am."

"I know Draco. You don't have to tell me Draco I can see it. You took responsibility and now your actions show me your proud."

I knew that I should believe him but I just felt so bad about what I did. I deserve to feel bad about it too. Before we got together I was a little prick and I most likely still am sometimes.

"I wasn't strong enough to do it."

I looked at him confused. He was just staring at the ceiling.

"Strong enough to do what?"

"I wasn't strong enough to have an abortion. Ron told me to get one. I've never really been pro-life but when I knew I had a tiny human (If you know where that's from and who says that then 100000 points to your house😌) inside me then I just couldn't let go. I would feel like a murder."

I didn't really know what to say at that point. I've never been pro-life either but seeing Harry laying next to me all upset over this made me rethink. Maybe there was a reason we never aborted Malfoys. Maybe they just made you catch feelings too fast...whatever it was I was so thankful for it.

"It's okay. I'm glad you didn't listen to Weaselbee or me. Now we have a baby."

I heard he lightly laugh. I created a life with him and I'm so glad he didn't let that go. Even though I was a prick.

We didn't do much that day. We stayed in bed most of the day just enjoying each other's company. We talked about the baby and what we wanted to do after school, he wanted me to take her but I didn't see how that was possible.

"Draco, you have to take her! She can't go there with me!"

"Harry, you're a parent now. You have motherly instincts that tell you what's right from wrong."

"Draco, it's dangerous there she can't go."

"What if you're pregnant when you go there?"

"Then...I'll take her to you myself."

I could tell her was extremely worried and extremely serious about his decision.

"I'll just take you with me."

"I wish that was possible but, Draco, we know it doesn't work like that. Just promise me you'll take her."

I wanted to take them both with me. I didn't want him giving up our little girl to go to a safe place and stay behind in that hell hole.
I knew there was nothing I could do. Dumbledore would make him stay behind and our babies home would be the Malfoy Manor till we were out of school.

"I promise I'll take her to the manor with me."

"Thank you," he whispered snuggling a bit closer to me.

I didn't want to promise that. I wanted to promise that he would be safe too but of course, that wasn't possible.
This was all Dumbledore's fault. Why did he have to drop him off there? Why couldn't he just screw with the school system and let him come home with me? He's the most powerful wizard in the world!
He can do something. He just won't do it.
Publish Date: June 19, 2020
Sorry this is so rushed and gross! I haven't updated in what seems like ever and I knew nobody would continue and read if I didn't!
i used to post like everyday buuuuuutttt a new ship caught my eye. Bakudeku. I won't be posting stories of them, I just find them cute and have been reading so many stories. They actually have given me some ideas for future stories.
Anyyyywayyyyy I'll have a better and longer chapter up soon :)

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