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I woke up the next morning feeling absolutely exhausted. I didn't quite know why until I heard the groan of the person next to me.
I looked over and all the memories from yesterday came back.
I couldn't believe what I had done. I had sex with him again! AGAIN.
That thought that I had...did I really love him? Or is this just me being a horny bastard? I honestly couldn't tell at this point.

"Draco? Are you awake?"

Shit, I didn't want him to be awake yet! I wanted to think. I needed to think.

"umm yeah..."

He rolled over and looked at with this look. He looked like... I can't explain it right now.

"Do you regret it?"

"Regret what?"

"Draco. What we did."

I didn't really know I mean yeah I liked him but It was just all confusing.
Did I want something more?
Did I regret it?
A small part of me did. A small part of me told me what we did in that compartment was wrong but if I told him that he would hate me.


He smiled at me cuddled closer, "I don't regret it either." He sId into my chest.

I put my hand in his hair while I looked up at the ceiling. I knew with him being with me I wouldn't know how I truly felt.

"I'm going to sit in the common room."

I threw on some sweatpants and a hoodie and walked to the common room. I hoped he didn't follow me.
I didn't know anything right now! When I first kissed him I told myself I loved him but did I? I knew we had a kid together but I don't know if I love him or it was just part of that moment. He must think I love him because I did kiss him first and make the first move.
If I got with him it would be good for her but would it be good for us? I mean we've been enemies for 5 years then all of a sudden we're in love and having a baby?!
God this was moving fast. I hated him not long before this but deep down I always liked him a little bit.
Like a small bit. Then once I found out my baby was going to be a girl I became obsessed! Like a crazy fangirl! I wasn't a crazy fangirl!
A little bit later I heard a sniffle and someone walling down the hall.


I had no idea why he was crying! It was probably because I left...


He didn't answer. He just ran into the room and sat on the other side of the couch.

"What is your problem!?" He screamed at me, tears running down his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about Harry."

"You kissed me! Then asked me if I wanted to have sex with you! Then you apparated us to your room! Now you act like all of that doesn't even matter!"

There it was. I knew at some point he was going to ask me about all of that but I didn't think he was going to cry...maybe the crying was just hormones?

"Harry what do you want me to say."

"I want you to tell me what that meant to you! Do I matter! Or was that just another one nightstand! You wanted to make me your bitch again didn't you!"

"Harry that's not what that was." I sighed.

"Then what was it!"

"I don't know..."

He squinted his eyes and stood up, "I should've known. I should've known that you were incapable of loving anybody but yourself and to think I started to fall for you." He quickly turned around and left the room.

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