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(Grammarly is currently fucked up so...this finna have hella mistakes cause ya bitch don't feel like rereading rn✌️)

~3rd Person Pov~
On January 9 Harry gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named: Scorpius Hyperion Potter-Malfoy.
Scorpius has white-blonde hair and he had heterochromia, which means he has two different color eyes. One was emerald green and the other was a deep grey.
Almost everyone who saw him admired his unique eyes.

Lily loved her little brother and played with him every chance she got. Since she was now 12 while Scorpius was 2 she only saw him during her vacation times. She was in her 2nd year and loved every moment of it. She had been sorted into Gryffindor and had made a friend group much like Harry and Draco's.

They were friends with her because she was Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy's daughter. She had real friends who liked her for her. Pansy and Hermione's daughter was in Slytherin and was, of course, apart of Lily's friend group.

While Lily was off at school Harry and Draco spent their time working and watching their 2-year-old. He was the opposite of Lily when she was a baby. Scorpius was a more troubled child and got into anything and everything. Draco thought it was hilarious while Harry tried to calm him down.

There was always someone home with the baby, while Harry was away during the day being an Auror Draco spent the day at home. While Draco was up all night being a healer Harry stayed home. It seemed like they had no time for each other but that wasn't true. They took a week off each month to spend proper time together.

Everything was perfect and they wouldn't change a thing about where they were in life. They had their two children and lived in a manor. They never had any money problems and their children, for the most part, were very well behaved. Sometimes Draco would think about where he would be if he hadn't started watching Harry back in the 5th year. It broke his heart thinking about all the things he could've become.
That small decision changed his life forever.

Through the many years they've been together they never had any major fights, of course, they fought but it never got to the point where someone had to sleep on the couch or get kicked out. At the end of the day, they would always come back to each other. I would say they were going to be the couple to make it through everything.

They were happy and they both wanted it to stay that way.

Today was the day they would be picking up Lily for the Christmas Holidays. They were waiting with Pansy and Hermione, everyone was excited to pick up their children but nobody was more excited then Scorpius who loved watching the big fan train pulls up to the station.

Almost immediately kids and teenagers started pouring out of the train looking for their families.

"Where sissy?!" Scorpius squealed as he looked around.

"She'd been out soon, just wait for her." Hermione cooed as she held onto the blonde child.

They continued to wait for their children when Pansy spotted Lily. She was with a girl they hadn't seen before. Her hair was strawberry blonde, she had blue eyes, and by the looks of her yellow scarf, she was a Hufflepuff.
They continued to watch as their daughter and this other girl looked at each other with such compassion.
Everyone started to exchange looked as Lily ran over with a huge smile on her face.

"You're not going to believe what happened to me! I met the prettiest girl I've ever seen! She's got gorgeous strawberry blonde hair and the bluest eyes I've ever seen! Her name Amelia Nott!"

Everyone smiled down at the young girl who had just ranted about Amelia. They looked around to spot where the girl was going because they knew that last name. She was Theodore Nott's girl. They watched as she hugged Theo who had her arm around another blonde.

"Is that Luna Lovegood?" Pansy asked with a smile on her face.

"Wow! Who would've known, Theodore Nott and Loony Luna? Haven't seen her in a while." Harry gave Draco a look as she used the old nickname her used to call the blonde girl.

They continued to watch as Amelia seemed to be pouring her heart out to her mother and father. Lunas face lit up as she hugged her child.

They decided they would let Lily continue their rant once they got home. They wanted for Pansy and Hermione's girl and headed home.

They asked the elves to make them dinner as the sat in the sitting room. Scorpius has fallen asleep in Lily's lap as she continued to talk about Nott.

"She says she came from America and that her parents know you guys! She told me how her parents moved to America then came back so she could go to Hogwarts! The hat didn't even touch her head and it sorted her into Hufflepuff! She had the prettiest smile and her laugh is so adorable! Then she has-" As their daughter continued to talk Harry whispered something to Draco.

"She sounds like you." Dracos eyes immediately went wide as she was reminded of his past. He would never admit to ranting on and on about saint Potter.

"Harry I did not do that!" Draco crosses his arms interrupting Lily, which caused Harry to chuckle a bit.

"Yes, you did. Potter this Potter that. You've always loved me. Ever since you met me. Lucius told me how much you talked about me!"

"I did no such thing!"

"I was all you ever wrote about, then you ranted to your friends about me too." Harry has started to laugh while Lily looked at them confused.

They finished their day and Lily finished her rant about Amelia. They talked more about Hogwarts and what was going on at Harry and Draco's job over dinner.
Draco smiled as she watched Lily talk to Harry about joining the quidditch team. She said that she wanted to be a seeker just like him.

That night there was a hard snowstorm that made the manor extremely cold. Even though they could heat it up themselves it the coldness from the outside still made its way inside. In the middle of the night, both Lily and Scorpius got up to join their parents in their room.

Lily was cuddled up next to  Dracos side while their youngest child laid right in the middle. Since they had been woken up by their children it was hard to fall back asleep...well for Draco.
Harry has fallen asleep almost instantly while Draco kid awake with his thoughts.

He started to feel...guilty. He felt guilty over the fact that he was lying there with his husband and his kids after treating Harry like utter shit.
He has a happy life with the one he caused pain in the past. He didn't think he deserved what he had next to him.
The blonde sat up and admiring everyone asleep next to him and laughed at the sight of the other blonde sprawled out in the middle.

"I don't deserve this." He whispered getting out of bed and walking out into the balcony, cold hair running through his messy hair.

He didn't even realize Harry had woken up and joined him outside till he felt arms wrap around him.

"What are you doing out here," Harry whispered against Dracos shoulder.

" you really want this? Are you happy?"

This question woke Harry up, he stood up and looked at Draco in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I was thinking about the past...are you happy with me? Did you really want her in her life?"

Harry instantly knew what Draco was talking about and wrapped his arms around Dracos neck with a smile on his face.

"Of course I'm happy with you. I love you. I wouldn't have said yes is I didn't love you. I love you. I love our kids. I love being with you, Draco." He quickly said before kissing his husband. The kiss lasted a couple of seconds before Draco pulled away with a slight smirk on his face.

"Promise? You promise you're not lying to me right now."

"I promise."

"I love you, Mr.Potter-Malfoy."

Harry chuckled before replying to the blonde, "I love you too, Draco."
Word Count: 1439
Publish Date: August 2

Next Chapter. Please and Thank you😗⬇️

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