Christmas Break

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Christmas Break. The two weeks we get to spend with our families for the holidays. Everyone was super excited for tomorrow because we all got to board the train but me? No. I had to leave Harry alone. With those abusive muggles.

"Draco I can't go there! I can't go there with her! They'll kill her! I have to go with you!"

"Harry don't worry we are going to Dumbledore right now."

I grabbed harry's hand and stormed all the way to his office not even waiting for permission to enter.


"Mr.Malfoy what a pleasure to see you. You too Mr.Potter."

"Harry can't go to the Dursley's. He's coming to the manor with me."

"I'm afraid that's impossible."

"Then he'll go to the Burrow with the Weasleys!"

"Mr.Malfoy please take a seat so I can explain everything."

I did what he asked and sat down in the same chair I had sat in during my last two visits. Harry sat in the chair next to me. I felt so bad for him he looked terrified. Normally when we went home harry didn't mind too much about going to the Dursley's but now he was terrified to go.

"You see when Harry was admitted into the school program the address which he living in when into the system and if that system is messed with Harry could get kick out."

"He's coming with me! Those muggles are horrible to him and there's no way I'm allowing you to send him there!"

"Mr.Malfoy" Dumbledore yelled standing up. "he is going to the Dursley's and that is final! Now see your way out but I suspended you both!"

I rolled my eyes grabbed harry's hand and  lead him out the door. I speed walked all the way to our room and stopped at the entrance. I didn't realize how fast I was walking until I looked down and saw Harry completely out of breath with tears running down his face.

"Harry I'm so sorry." I whispered taking him in my arms, "I don't want to send you there. I would take you with me if I could. I would take you there now."

"I know. I know Draco." He said returned my hug.

"Your sleeping with me tonight."

I felt him nod his head and I lead him inside and all the way to my room. He threw one of my T-shirts on and I threw a hoodie on.
We laid in silence for a couple of seconds. He was facing the other way and I was looking at him.
Then I heard something I didn't want to.
I heard crying. Harry started crying.
I immediately scooted closer to him and spooned him.

"Shhhhh, it's going to be okay."

That didn't help, he started crying even more. He sounded like he could vomit any second he was crying so hard.
I didn't say anything else. I just waited for him to calm down.
He didn't he just turned and faced me. I tried wiping his tears away but they kept coming, I think he got a bit embarrassed so he Buried his face in my chest.
I held him at right as I could. I didn't want him to be this scared. I wanted to take him to the manor with me and keep him safe but it would mess with the school's system.
After a while, he stopped crying and his breathing slowed. I thought he fell asleep but no he was still awake.

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