The Malfoys

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Dumbledore and I stay patiently in his office waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy to arrive. I've told too many people about this baby, I don't think I can't tell him! They'll kill me! I know for sure! Our families are mortal enemies! Now there's a baby combing them!
The doors swung open and in walked Draco Malfoys Parents.

"Narcissa, Lucius, how lovely to see you."

"You as well Albus," Narcissa said shaking his hand.

Lucius looked down at me and then back at dumbledore, "No disrespect but why is Mr.Potter here?"

"Please have a seat he will explain everything."

We all moved to a small couch area on the other side of the room. They sat across from me and watched as I messed with my fingers and clothes.

"What's going on?" Narcissa asked looking at me confused.

I look a deep breath and looked at them, "Well you know the fifth year party right?"

They both nodded their heads and looked at each other then back at me.

"Well. I got drunk and so did your son..."

"Wait, Draco was drinking?!? He's only 15!"

"Narcissa, please calm down and let the boy finish. We will deal with Draco drinking underage after this." He said rubbing the top of her hand. She nodded her head then all the attention was back on me.

"So...I don't remember much but I did wake up the next morning....with the Room if Requirements."

They both went wide-eyed and looked at each other.

"That's not all," they looked back and me and linked their arms "I started getting sick and Hermione brought me to the infirmary, I'm....pregnant with your sons baby..."

I stood up too and gave her the picture.
She looked at it for a second then melted back onto the couch and showed her husband.

"This is real? Like this is really Draco's baby? This baby is a Malfoy?"

I nodded my head yes and felt more tears run down my face.
Narcissa got up and sat next to me taking my hands and making me face her.

"Have you told him yet?"

The flashbacks of what he said hit me. The tears started pouring and I nodded my head yes.
She wiped my tears away with her thumb.

"What did he say?"

"He said...he told me to abort it... I told him no and he stormed off and said he wouldn't help, he wasn't the father, and that I had to take full responsibility of the baby."

Narcissa looked at Lucius and they both knew what they wanted to do.

"Dumbledore!" Lucius said standing up "Call my son to this office immediately!"

Dumbledore did what they asked and a couple of minutes later Draco was at the door.
He didn't even get a chance to react to what he saw, Lucius grabbed him by the ear and dragged him to a chair.

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" he screamed at his parents.
And for that, he got smacked upside the head.
He shut his mouth and rubbed the back of his head.

"Draconian Lucius Malfoy. Would you like to tell me what's going on between you and Harry?"


Since when did we refer to him by his first name? I was just dragged in here, literally, because potter decided to call my parents and tell on me.

"What if there to tell? Nothings going on." I lied and crossed my arms.

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