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~~~~~Draco's Pov~~~~~
This was the second week of May and our baby still hadn't come. As we reached closer and closer to June I got even more nervous. There was no way she would come after school let out. She was going to come any day now...there was no way he would go into labor without me there.

A couple of days ago Harry and I went to the infirmary to make sure everything was alright and Madam Pomfrey told us that the baby a about to be due so he would have to stay with her. Hearing this kind of upset me but I knew he was safe being there.
I asked if I could stay with him but she told me Dumbledore was making us all go back to classes since he was safe in the infirmary.

Pansy and I tried to reason with him but that old man wouldn't budge. I spent every second of my free period with him and stayed with him during the night. It was really hard to focus on my school work when my pregnant boyfriend was sitting around nearby.

"Mr.Malfoy?!" I jumped out of my trance as I was hit upside the hit with a stack of paper.

I looked to my side and saw my godfather slowly walking away, "What was that for!?"

"10 points from Slytherin for slacking off."

I grumbled and slouch in my seat. The lesson went on for what seemed like ever. I try my best to make it look like I was paying close attention to my notes but Pansy knew what was up.

She always judged me when I started going deeper into my thoughts. I always rolled my eyes afterward.

"Class dismissed. Get out." He finally said. That was my cue, I collected my stuff as fast as possible and ran to the infirmary.

I pushed and shoved throughout the halls, I heard a couple ow's but I had places to be. I didn't have time to check on the people I pushed down.

When I reached the hospital wing I saw him sitting up in his bed reading a potions book.

"Harry, what are you doing? You don't even have classes," I asked walking up to him and sitting on the end of the bed.

He looked up from his book slowly and smiled at me, "Hi Draco, I know I don't have classes but I don't want to be behind. I'm going to be in school next year."

I was about to say something but then Pansy and Hermione walked in, "Hey bitches! Harry are you alright? How's Lily?"

We both chuckled at her entrance. She plopped her self right next to me and pulled her girlfriend into her lap. A slight blush spread across the other girl's face.

"I'm okay, thanks for asking, and so is Lily. I'm just surprised she isn't here yet."

"Well, I need her to hurry up! I'm going to be an aunt!" She squealed squeezing Hermione's waist.

We continued to talk about Lily and the reasons why she wasn't here yet. Hermione just didn't think she was ready yet. I didn't say this out loud but I was worried about what would happen if it didn't happen here.

It was all nice and calm until those redheads came in.

"Heyyyyyyyy!!!!! How's our baby doing?!?!" Ginny squealed running in the room and putting her hand on Harry's stomach.

I wanted to push her hand off so bad but I wasn't going to be disrespectful.

"She's fine, Gin. Thanks for asking. Madam Pomfrey said she should be here any day now."

Her face lit up in joy and she looked back at her brother. His face was always bright with excitement.

"Well, congrats mate. She's going to be the perfect addition to our little family."

Little family?

"She sure is! She's going to be perfect!" Pansy interrupted my thoughts once again.

An hour later everyone was kicked out except me.


"Yeah?" he replied cuddling up to my side.

"She's going to come before we leave right?"

He sat up and looked at me in confusion, "Of course! I mean I'm already over nine months...she's going to come this week. I know she will."

"But what happens if she doesn't. Are you just supposed to go back to that house? If she doesn't come this month she's definitely coming next!"

"I know...she'll come. Just try and sleep. Hell, she could even come tonight...you never know."
Word Count: 767
Publish Date: July 17
Sorry this is so short and so terrible🙃

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