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(This chapter is lowkey long...have fun with this😗 Also I just rewatched a couple of movies and...😭😭 they're just so in love😭😭 Like I could see it in their eyes! THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH😭😭😭😭😭😭 Like it makes me wanna cry. Like....they just love each other so much and nobody can tell me otherwise.)

{I advise you to skip this chapter. Please skip it. It's been around 12 hours since i've posted this and I hate it so much. I didn't know what I was doing. I mean if you want to read it you can but I'm warning you it's ugly asf)

~3rd Person Pov~
He was told to run.
He was told to run as fast as he could and hide somewhere. Somewhere safe.
He couldn't get too far with a crying child in his arms but he got somewhere safe.

It was his mother that told him to do it and he trusted her with his life...even though she was on the other side. It's not because she wanted to be...neither of his parents wanted to be there. They're there because he threatened to kill them all if they didn't join him.

Now sitting with his child in a dark classroom, he waited for everything to clear...but that's not what happened.

Instead, he heard someone pounding on the door.

~Dracos Pov~
I was standing in front of the crowd on the Hogwarts side...it's not like I wanted to be there but I needed to know if he was okay.

Harry and I had been running around together all day but when we got to the forbidden forest he told me to turn around. I told him I wanted to go with him but he told me it was way too dangerous for Lily and me.
When he walked in I tried to follow...he knew I would and turned around. He told me to stay put...he told me he would be right back...but he never came back.
Instead, a saw a group of deatheaters coming my way.

I would've stayed and tried to go find him but I had my daughter in my arms, so I ran.
I ran as fast as I could and joined everyone else. They were on their way to the battlefield by the time I got there.

I found only three friends after Ginny and Ron got sent away to Azkaban for kidnapping my child, and we walked together.

Hermione and Pansy offered to take Lily and give me a break but I didn't need one. I needed to hold onto her, and she needed to be with me. She's one year old and she's going through war...she needs me.

We stepped outside and watched as the deatheaters came from the other side. Pansy tried to get us to stand near the middle so we would be safe but I needed to be in the front.

I told her that I needed to know if Harry was okay...I needed to know if he was alive or not. Pansy understood and stuck by my side as I walked towards the front of the crowd.

We watched as the deatheaters created a path as their leader emerged from the center. I watched as the person who had been living in my house for months, while I was here, walked towards the center of the battlefield.

We all looked horrified as he scanned our side. He could raise his wand at any second and kill us all...that's how powerful he had become.

"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" he yelled with a slight chuckle.

I felt my heart collapse as everyone's eyes turned on me. There's no possible way he was gone. He's the boy who lived, the wonder boy, the golden boy, the savior, the boy who survived, there's no way he was gone. There's no way he could've been taken away from me.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to be angry, but I couldn't be. I didn't feel anything. I felt...almost numb.

"Draco? Draco, look at me." I heard someone whisper, but I didn't look. I kept my eyes on a moving figure in the distance.

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