Morning After

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Omg!!! I'm so sorry for the delayed update! I've been trying to write for days but like...I couldn't focus! I wanted to get this out to you guys so much but I got distracted! Anyway, I have it now and I hope you love it and because of me being so late on this update I decided to make this chapter longer! I hope you like it♥️♥️♥️♥️
I believe it was around 10:45 when I woke up the next morning.
The air still smelled of sex and I was still covered in cum from last night.
Last night.....last night I had probably the best sex I've ever had.

"f...fuck me, Draco. Please."

A smirk curved onto my lips as memories of the night before flooded my head.

"You're going to suck me off. I want to see what your pretty little mouth can do."

"Y-yes daddy."

" hurts."

"Shhh, it's okay, I'll make you feel better."

"Pl-please! I can't hold it!"

"I'm going to prep you. Then I'm going to fuck you. How does that sound?"


My eyes widened as I heard my name being called. I didn't know I was thinking so much about what was said...


He turned around from his position and was now facing me. His face was flushed over and his eyes were droopy.

"I was just making sure you were still here...I didn't know if you left or not."

I felt so bad after he said that...last time we did this I told him I was going to the common room and yelled at him afterward. I was a total jerk...

"Harry, of course, I'm still here. Where else would I be? I'm not going to leave you like that ever again."

I placed an innocent kiss on his lips and pulled him closer to me, "Are you okay?"

He looked up at me in confusion but quickly blushed at my question, "Yeah...I'm okay....I'm just sore."

I chuckled a bit as he closed his eyes and started to drift off again. We had a long night, I understand.
I stayed awake, holding him as he slept. I couldn't move, that would be cruel and I had no intention of moving.

It was another hour before he woke up again and looked up at me with his sleepy green eyes.

"Well, good morning...again."

He groaned as he started to wake up more, "Draco, my back hurts. Can we stay here all day."

"As much as I would like too we can't. We have to get out of this room and get you something to eat, and we both could use a shower."

He smirked a bit looking up at me after I said that last bit of information.

"Ah ah ah. You've had enough sex for right now. You're taking a shower in here and I'm going to the other room."

"But Draco!" He whined as his grip on me became tighter.

I got out of his grasp and put on the sweats I threw on the floor yesterday.
I went to walk out but took one last look at my boyfriend who was pouting in the middle of the bed.

"Take a shower. I'll come to get you when I'm done. You better get in that shower, Harry, I'm not smell like sex."

He winked at me but quickly frowned when I rolled my eyes and went to walk out of the door.

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