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Harry and I stayed in our room the entire day and talked about our future.
We decided that we wanted to try and get our own flat so Harry and the baby could stay with me. We knew it was still fucking with the school system but maybe since we would be under our own roof Dumbledore would let us.
It was worth a shot.
We walked in silence down to his office seeing everyone being all sappy as the day of love continued.
We passed the great hall and saw that candles were placed on the table and fancy meals were being served.
The tables were pushed closer to each wall and smaller tables for two or three were placed around so couples could have their own candlelight dinner. It was quite romantic.
Once we reached  Dumbledores office I could feel the tension between us. If he said no the baby would be with me during this summer vacation.
I took his hand and quickly said the password.
We walked in without an invitation and saw the Headmaster scratching at a piece of parchment.
He heard our steps against the wooden floor and looked up from his writing.

"What can I do for you two?"

He sounded pretty annoyed that we were back and probably knew what we wanted. That didn't stop me from leading Harry all the way up to his desk as he looked at us confused.

"We would like to request a moving arrangement."

A heavy sigh came from our Headmaster as he lowered his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. He had told us no once before and didn't seem to be in the mood to do it again.

"How many times have I told you that it will mess with the school system?! Do you want him kicked out of school mister Malfoy?!"

I did not appreciate that he raised his tone with me but was not in the mood for any type of detention. I took a deep breath and decided to be nice.

"Yeah. You've told me but what if we got our own flat? What if we moved into our own place?"

"Draco. That is simply not allowed. I would expect you out of everyone to know seeing how many times your father made you read that rule book. You can move out of your parent's house when you've come of age. Until then your stuck where you are."

I felt Harry's hand tighten against mine. He wouldn't see our baby at all during the summer.
I rolled my eyes and lead Harry out of that Office. I don't understand how this man could let him go back there. Especially with a child.


I looked down and saw Harry with glasses over eyes. His green and happy eyes turned sour as he looked up at me.

"I want you to have full custody over her."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. If I had full custody then I would be forced to take her over the summer and there would be no chance if Harry seeing her.


"Please. Please do this for me. It will keep her safe."

If I took over as her guardian then Harry would lose some of his parental rights. It would be like I gave birth to this baby.
I saw how serious he was about this and lead him back into that office.

"Did I tell you no?"

"I'm taking full custody over her. We want to sign these paper right now."

I heard a slight sniffle from Harry and saw how our headmaster's eyes went wide with shock. He sighed and pulled out a piece of paper.
Father taught me to always read my contracts.
I read over it quickly and agreed with what it said...I didn't want to do this to him.

I picked up the quill and looked over at Harry. He nodded his head as a quick tear ran down his face.
I quickly signed it and put the quill back.

"Harry, you need to sign this piece of paper."

I rolled my eyes at his words and looked over at Harry who looked as if he made the wrong call.
He whispered something to himself...I didn't hear it all but I heard the word dangerous a lot.
He took a deep breath and picked up the quill.
He was about to sign this baby over to me. This baby was about to fully be mine and I hated it. I wanted to share custody not have all of it...

"I don't know if I can sign it..."

"It's okay. You don't-"

"Yes, you do. Now sign it."

I looked up from Harry to the headmaster. I've never seen him raise his tone at Harry like that before...I thought he was his favorite but it sure all hell didn't seem like that.


He slowly signed his name under mine and placed the quill down.
It was done.
The baby was fully mine. Harry was only carrying her.

"Now that that's done. Draco you'll take the child the moment she's born. Now I have work to do, kindly leave."

Harry didn't even wait for me, he let go of my hand and quickly walked out of the room.

"You didn't have to be so rude to him! This is hard enough! He just gave up our child to protect her! Your such a sad excuse for a headmaster. Hope you rot in hell."

I quickly turned and walked out of the room. I knew I had just earned long time detention but it was honestly worth it.
I didn't see Harry in the hall and figured he went back to our room.
I still couldn't believe I signed that. I didn't want to take her away like that. He gave up his parental rights and gave me full custody.
I walked the halls in silent thinking of what a horrible father I was for doing that. I was a horrible boyfriend and a horrible father.
I walked into our common room and heard a faint cry.
I followed the sound to our room and found him sitting in the middle of the bed in a tight ball...if only you could hear how hard he was crying.


"I'm such a horrible person...I GAVE UP MY BABY! I feel like I left her!"

"Harry." I walked over to him and hugged him, "this was for her safety. Once we get out of here we'll share custody. She'll know it was for her safety and she'll know that you're her daddy."

The sobs stopped but the heavy breathing didn't stop.

"It will be okay."
Word Count: 1259
Publish Date: June 19
How would you feel if I made a book series? It's obviously going to be a drarry. So basically it will be their entire life before Hogwarts till the end of it. It's basically a updated version of From the beginning to the end...I hate that story so much but since there's so many chapters I can't bring myself to delete it. If you'd be interested in that let me know and also send me some ideas of things that could happen during one of their years at school. :)
I already started to plan the first book and once this book is almost over I'm going to publish it if anyone is interested in it :)
Anyway I hope your liking the story so far! There's about...28 more chapters :D

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