Morning Sickness

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⚠️This goes into detail with sex! More than the first chapter!⚠️

*Editing starts after the cringe worthy sex!*

I was in the Great Hall, for dinner, sitting at the Ravenclaw table. We sat their every once in a while to chill with Luna and Ginny, buuuutttt i was more focused on Cho Chang. You see Cedric died last year, of course, we all miss him but I've liked his girl since the beginning of the 4th year. She has chosen me to deal with her grief. She's touching up on me and is super close to me. She also keeps saying super sexual things, I mean if she wants to fuck I'm totally down. I can't sit here and let Malfoy be the last one to give me pleasure.

"You know," Cho whispered in my ear "we could meet in the Room of Requirements tonight if you're not too busy."

"You know I'm down for that," I replied putting my hand on her thigh.

I mean yeah this was wrong but like. She was hot and horny so.....i' ma helps her out with that.

After dinner ended Hermione, Ron, and I walked back to the dormitory.

"Well, I'm going up to study we have classes tomorrow. Goodnight boys."

"Night Hermione." Ron and I replied

"Well Harry I'm going up to bed are you following?"

"No, I'm going to stay down here. Night mate."

Ron waved bye and went up to the room. Now all I had to do is wait until everyone was here and I could leave. I was honestly kinda weirded out because I had sex with Malfoy in the ROR and now I'm taking a girl there. I think it's going to be fun though, I mean I lost my virginity to her in the first place. She cheated on Cedric with me.
Everyone was here now and it was time for me to go to the ROR. I left, being as quiet as possible, and speed-walked all the way there, making sure not to get caught by teachers or prefects.
She arrived a couple of minutes later and I let her think of a room.
The room was dark, fireplace, a bed in the back with was the same room.
The same room I woke up in. How did she even know about it!

[July 16....I deleted that crap ass smut....I might rewrite it]

"That was....g...great," she said trying to catch her breath.

"Y..yeah...but Cho I cant...stay here...I have go."

She sat up and looked down at me.

"What do you mean! Was I a one night stand!"

"Don't get me wrong Cho I really really like you, I would ask you to be with me permanently right now, but I'm trying to get to the bottom of something and Hermione will kill me if I'm not there when everyone wakes up."

I put clothes on and kissed her. She tried to open her mouth but I pulled away.

"Bye Cho."

"Bye Harry."

*editing starts here*

I walked out of the room and ran down to my dormitory, it was around 3 I believe so I had some time to get back.
I walked in and Hermione wasn't waiting for me at the entrance, thank god, I went straight up to the bed and went to sleep. I didn't even shower, I was so tired.
The next morning I was awoken by Ron and Hermione standing over me.

"Why are you standing over me!"

"You smell like sex! Your sex smell woke me up!"

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