The Malfoy Manor

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~Narcissa's Pov~
Draco has been home for a couple of days now and he came out of his room once.
He gets all his food delivered to him and it's not like he has to leave to use the restroom because he has a huge bathroom in his room.
I've tried multiple times to get him out but he wouldn't budge. He won't even open his door.

"Draco," I whispered knocking lightly in his door.

I heard a couple of noises from the other side of the door but he didn't say anything back.

"Sweetheart you have to come out of this room. This isn't healthy."

Once again I got no response. I was about to walk away when I noticed my husband walking towards me.

"Narcissa. Why can't you just unlock the door? You can do that you know. You're a witch for god's sake!"

"Lucius we need to let him come out on his own."

He rolled his eyes and pulled out his wand, "We don't have time for that." He whispered a quick spell and in the matter of sections Dracos door swung open.

I peered inside and saw him laying of him bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Draco!" my husband boomed walking into the room and up to his bed, "What are you doing?! When was the last time you brushed your hair! Get up you look a mess."

My son groaned and turned over so he didn't have to look at his father.

"I'm so sorry Draco," I apologized walking into the room, "Lucius lets go! We need to leave him alone!" I took his arm and dragged him out.

Reaching the door I told my son I loved him and closed the door.

"Narcissa. Why would you drag me out like that? He needs to get up! I understand that situation but he really needs to get up and fix himself."

I turned around quickly and crossed my arms, "No you need to stay out of it. Leave him alone. His boyfriend and his child are at a hell house and there's no way for him to get out!"

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Then what should we do. He can't stay in there forever."

"I actually have an idea."

~Dracos Pov~
After father came rushing into my room like I was sitting here doing drugs I looked back up at the ceiling.
I've been home for a couple of days and I haven't really done anything. I just can't stop thinking about them. What if something's really wrong and that's why she hasn't come yet.

The idea of something being wrong made my head spin and my chest hurt.

Leaving this room was actually a good idea. Maybe it would get my mind off of everything.

I quickly left the room and decided to just walk around the manor. There was really nothing else to do.

"AND WHY NOT! PLEASE TELL ME WHY!" I heard from the far end of the hall.

I walking towards the parlor when I heard a bunch of commotion coming from that room. It sounded like my father but there was no way he would yell at mother like that.
I walked closer and sat down next to the door so I could listen in on their conversation.

"You're the most powerful wizard in this world and you can fix this?"

Most powerful wizards? Was Dumbledore in there?

"Listen. I can't move him. It would mess with his education. He would most likely get kicked out of the school and transferred somewhere else. Hogwarts is the best wizarding school there is. He's too smart to be transferred to a lower class school."

That was definitely Dumbledore. It makes no sense to me...why would get transferred. If I get to go to Hogwarts then so should Harry if he gets moved here. It's not like he's going to another part of the world!

"If Draco gets to go then so should he. Bring him here. It isn't safe there! He's pregnant for god's sake!"

"Narcissa. He's fine! He's smart and knows what to do."

What the fuck?! Just because he's smart that doesn't mean something bad couldn't happen to him.

You know what. I've had enough of this.

I stood up quickly and pushed through the parlor doors. Everyone looked my way as I walked in.

"He's treated like a slave," I screamed and the headmaster, "he's abused! He's pregnant with my child! Do you not see the problem?! He could give birth any day and you're more worried about the school system?!"

Mother tried to grab my arm and drag me out of the room but I had things to say to this monster.

"Son get out of this room right now."

"No father! This isn't fair! My boyfriend and my child are at that house!" I felt small tears running down my face as I got madder and madder at the person in front of me.

"He's right Lucius. I think he should have a say." Mother defended.

Dumbledore stood there was a red face as I continued to list off the reasons why Harry should be here with us.

"I don't have time for this. You know the rules and they're not changing." In a quick mumble of a spell, he was gone, leaving behind smoke.

"FUCKING SHIT!" I yelled storming out of the room, leaving my parents behind with a look of shock on their faces. I don't cuss in front of them...

~Narccias Pov~
Draco stomped out of the room after screaming at the smoke left behind. I was so shocked that my son had busses that hard in front of us. I've heard that he cusses at school but I never knew it was like that.
I was also shocked that he came storming in the room and yelled at his headmaster. He could get expelled after yelling at Dumbledore like that.

"Master and Mistress Malfoy?" I heard a small voice safe from afar.

I looked behind me and saw Dobby peering into the door, "Yes?"

"Dobby has come to inform you that Luis is here as well as Avery!"

Luis and Avery are our workers who check on Harry every day and make sure he's okay. Lucius and I have never let Draco know what they tell us. It would worry him too much.

"Send them in." My Husband said. Dobby quickly left and in the matter of second, the two boys came in with a full report on how our son's boyfriend was doing.

~Dracos Pov~
Just the thought of that man made my blood boil. Who does he think he is talking to me like that! Alongside my parents!
I had every right to take my PREGNANT BOYFRIEND out of that death hole!

I couldn't imagine what would happen when he went into labor. Would he be working? Would he be alone? Would they be abusing him? I didn't know...and I was really glad I didn't.
If I knew I would probably kill that man.

I couldn't even check on him myself. Those muggles had boards on his windows and took down every owl that came near the house. In fear of the death of Hedwig, Harry left her at Hogwarts.

Curse those stupid muggles and their stupid ways. If only I could get my hands on them. I would beat the shot out of each and everyone one of them.

If only he could be with me right now...
Word Count: 1295
Publish Date: July 26
Good Morning/Night!
I'm not sure if I said this already but Thank You so much for 10.6k Reads! I love you all💜🤍
This is unedited btw! Sorry for the mistakes!

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