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~Pansys Pov~
It's been a couple of days since Harry was admitted to the infirmary and the baby still hadn't come. We were so close to the end of the year that they let us out of classes and we were just cleaning up the school for next year.
Harry wanted to come out and help but he wasn't even allowed to get out of his bed unless he had to use the restroom or shower.

We expected the baby to come weeks ago but we still had a pregnant Harry, and with a still pregnant Harry, we had Hermione messing up the library still trying to find a reason.
I've told her multiple times that it was probably nothing but she told me she wanted to know the exact reason. All she's doing is scaring herself but I let her do what she wanted. I looked with her a couple of times but I didn't find anything.

Do you know who I hadn't seen around? Ron and Ginny. Those two started being weird a while ago and I didn't exactly know why. They whispered a lot and always left the group. I asked Blaise because he watched Ron like a hawk, but he said he didn't know either. Ginny had been around much more than Ron which was odd because they started doing almost everything together. I mean there together so much I bet they sleep together. I bet Ginnys pregnant with his love child right now. I told Draco about my theory but he just laughed in my face.

Speaking of Draco this hoe does nothing but ask Harry if he's okay. I mean that not wrong but come in Draco give me a break! He was always zoning out when we were picking up the classrooms or sweeping the halls. I tried to get him into a new conversation, it worked sometimes, but he never really listened. I can't wait till this baby is born so I can get my best friend back.

At the moment Draco and Hermione are looking through books trying to find out why Lily hasn't come yet. Draco was only looking at the negative things so he sitting with his back against the book shelve with a frightened look on his face.

"Draco stop scaring yourself! He's fine!" I shouted a bit too loud for being in a library.

"But Pansy what is something's wrong?! I'd die!"

"Draco! Due dates are just an estimate." He groaned and started flipping through his book again.

I followed his groan with a sigh and laid back on the floor and stared up at the high ceiling. There was nothing interesting up there but it was more fun than looking through those old dusty books.

"Maybe she's right Draco. I mean due dates are just estimates. Maybe he isn't even 40 weeks yet. Maybe he isn't even close to 40 weeks."

"Hermione! We leave in like three days! She has to be due! There's something wrong! I know it..."

Their talk was getting on my nerves so I packed up my stuff and decided to go see what Harry was up to. I knew he was doing the same thing but his company was much better than Draco and Hermione's right now.

I walked the long halls being careful to not slip and fall on the wet floors and dodging brooms and mops.
It didn't take too long before I reached those huge doors and opened them to see Harry shaking his head no with his arms crossed.

"But Harry we leave soon."

"No! I'm not doing that! I'll have her when she comes!"

I walked closer to see Madam Pomfrey trying to get Harry to sign a piece of paper.

"What's going on?"

Both of their heads turned to face me. Madam Pomfrey's face softened and Harry crossed his arms even tighter across his chest. I noticed that he had his glamour off so his arms were resting on top of his stomach.

"She wants to help my water break! She wants to break it for me!"

"It's to help her come before we leave. It does no harm to the child."

"Absolutely not! There will be no waters broken! I'll break it myself!"

I was extremely confused about what was going on but I knew I had no say in this argument. I wasn't the other father for sure.

"Should I go get Draco?"

"Yes! Let's see what he has to think!"

I left the room as they continued to argue about what Harry should do to have the baby before we left for the summer.
As I started to walk back towards the library's I saw Draco and Hermione walking the halls.

"Hey, Draco! Come here I have to tell you something!"

They both turned around and saw me waving my hands around like an idiot. He started to run towards me but it seems to me like he forgot that the floors had just been mopped...

In a matter of seconds, he was on the ground. Hermione and I started busting out laughing as he sat on the ground pouting.

" fucking idiot," I said between laughs and cries.

"Shut up. I did that on purpose." He pushed the hair out of his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Aww, Draco are you okay!" Hermione asked wiping the tears out of her eyes as she ran up and tried to help the idiot up off the floor.

"Yes, Hermione I am! Thanks for asking." He looked at me like he was about to kill me because I didn't ask if he was okay. Not my fault he slipped and fell...I kinda was but we don't have to talk about that.

I told him about what she was trying to get Harry to do and it just pissed him off more. I told him how Harry had said no but that witch kept asking him. He made that stupid decision again and started to run again.

"Don't fall on your ass again babe!" I yelled as he ran towards the infirmary.


Hermione and I giggled a bit as he yelled back at me.

~Harry's Pov~
I refused to talk to her anymore until Draco got here. I didn't want anything helping her deliver.
It wasn't long before Draco walked in with an attitude.

"And what's going on here?"

"Mr.Malfoy this can help him. Don't you want him to have the baby here?"

That attitude quickly went away and he started to side with her. I thought he was going to be on my side.

"Harry...this can help...I kind of agree with her. I want you to have her here! I don't want you going into labor in that horrid house." He sat next to me and put his hand on my stomach trying to get me to reason with him.

"No. If she comes at that house then she comes at that house. Come on Draco don't let them do this to me! To us!"

I knew I had his wrapped around my finger and a simple sad face can get him to agree with me.

He quietly groaned before telling Madam Pomfrey to leave me be and allow Lily to come on her own.
Once she left I made room for him on the bed and allowed him to cuddle up next to me.

"You took it off? The glamour."

I smiled and shook my head yes. I decided to take it off and live with my stomach for the rest of the time I have it.

"I wish you took it off earlier. You look adorable and I can see what I did."

"Shut up." We both chuckled and lived this comforting moment.
We laid in silence with our hands-on my stomach. I was so excited to see her and live through the happiness she'll be us.
Word Count: 1390
Publish Date: July 22
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh This story is soooooi close to being done and I have no idea what I want to write after! I have so many that I have written down but I want to write something I know for such you'll read! Give me some ideas! It doesn't have to be Drarry but I'll 100% write another one!

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