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The watching continued. Just as Hermione, aka my new girlfriend, told me, Draco has been watching Harry at any chance he gets.
It wasn't just glances either! It was full-on staring.

"Babe...babe!" I whispered in the library.

"Hmm." she didn't look up from her book.

I pushed the book down into the table and make her look at me.

"God, you're beautiful," I whispered kissing her. I hated getting all sappy but...my girlfriend was beautiful.

"Is that all you needed?" she chuckled.

"No. Draco is watching Harry again."

We both looked over at Draco who was looking at Harry who was sitting at the table in front of us with Blaise.

"Go say something."


"I'm serious. Maybe we can stop the staring. Maybe we can arrange something."

"ughhhhh fine!"

I kissed her again then walked over to Draco. He noticed me walking towards him and picked up his book quickly to make himself look busy.

"Put the book down Draco."

"Pansy I'm studying."

I snatched the book out of his hand and threw it on the floor with a loud band, "Now your not," I turned a chair around and sat on it.

"What do you want?"

"I know what you're doing."

"I'm not doing anything." he crossed his arms pouting.

"Draco. I know you're watching him."

His eyes widened and his face went a bit red, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Cut the shit I saw you."

"And so what if I am? I'm not doing anything wrong."

"Do you want to talk to him? Do you want to fix your mess?"

He put his head down on the table and nodded his head yes.

"Okay. I'll arrange something but until then your eyes stay in the book. Deal."


I got up and walked back over to my girlfriend. A beautiful sight by the way.

"So how'd it go?" she asked as I sat down.

"I told him I would get Harry to talk to him. He wants to fix his mess."

"I'll talk to harry later. We have tests all day tomorrow he should be studying not worrying about Malfoy."

"Your right."

Time flew by. In the span of two days, Draco has been able to keep his eyes off Harry and into his books. I could tell how hard he tried not to look, he wanted to so bad.
I told him no because the last thing Draco wanted was to get caught by harry then have no chance at all!
Hermione and I also did something...right after the library we...I took her virginity.
Do I feel bad about it? No.
Was it great? Yes.
Do you want to know how it went? No, but I'm going to tell you anyway.

*Flashback* (A/N so I might put in a random scene that has no relationship with the chapter idea because I don't want them to be a super short minimum of 1k words.)

It was right after we finished talking about Harry and Draco when I put my hand on her thigh.
I felt her gaze. I didn't look up though. All I did was move my hand closer and closer to her "womanhood" as some people call it.
I felt her shift and try and get more comfortable.

"Pansy what are you doing?"

We haven't been together for long at all but we've known and flirted with each other for a while so this felt right.
I wasn't doing this to please my whore side! I wanted this because I love her.
I moved my hand close enough to touch the outside of her underwear.
I saw out of the corner of my eye that she shivered at my touch.
Then I felt something I've never felt before.
Her underwear was soaked.
I looked at her and saw that her face a deep shade of red.

"Hermione did you?"

"I'm so sorry." she put her hands over her face but I removed them.

"That was fucking hot," I whispered in her ear.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room and all the way down to mine.
I knew I shared a room with a couple of other girls but they'll be okay.

I lifted her chin and kissed her. Way rougher then the night we got together.
My hand started at her face then slid down her body. When I got to the top of her skirt I stopped kissing her.

"Can I?"

"Please be gentle. I know you've done this but I haven't."

She thought I was using her...

"Hermione. I'm not using you I promise. I can't do this if you think that. I really like it."

"I know you do." She slipped out of my grasp and sat up.


"Listen to me. I know your past but I know this is real. Now please fuck me senseless!"

I chuckled and went back down on her.

*End Of Flashback* (By request of Pansy their night must be kept a secret because it's none of your business.)

I was running down the hall looking for harry.
I spotted him down the hall with Ron. I didn't know what in the hell they were doing but I didn't care. I had to talk to harry.

"Hermione what? Why are you screaming my name?"

"I need to talk to you."

Ron nodded his head and walked away with a sigh.

"What Hermione."

"I need you to talk to Malfoy."

"Excuse me? Why would I do that?"

" Please Harry! I don't know what he wants but he wants to speak with you."

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose and crossed his arms.

"Why now! I'm happier now and he's coming to ruin it all!"

"Just talk to him, Harry. Please. If not for yourself then for her."

He sighed, "For her."
"And how did things go with Harry?"

"He was very confused but I think it went pretty well."

"Well, when are they talking?"

"I think tomorrow would be best. They don't have much time to think of lies to tell each other."

"your so smart." I kissed her and spooned her.

"Goodnight Pans."

"Night Mione."
Word Count: 1044
Publish Date: May 16, 2020

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