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Free periods are always boring. There's nothing ever to do since your friends are always in class. All you can really do is walk the cold halls watching as others were also seeking out things to do.
Harry was in class so I was on my own today...I hated being away for so long but he wanted to go to classes so that's what we did. It wasn't like he would be out any minute either cause class just started like 15 minutes ago. Every single person I was friends with was in class, I mean Loony Luna was walking the halls with her weirdo glass and paper book...

"Hey, Loo- Luna."

Luna quickly looked up from her book and raised her glasses, giving me a nice warm smile, "Hello, Draco! How are you doing? How's the baby? How's Harry?"

I was started to regret my decision...she always asked a thousand questions.

"We're all doing great. Thanks for asking."

"What's her name?!"

Her name? Now that I think of it we haven't even started talking about names...mother told me they decided my name once I was born because I "looked like a Draconian"

"Uhhhh, we actually don't have a name picked that bad?"

Her face lit up as she took my hand and dragged me to the library. She sat on the floor and had to pull me down with her after seeing the floor isn't a place I sit.

"Why are we here?"

"To look for names! Every baby deserves a beautiful name that fits them just right! Here look through this!" She handed me a book of constellations.

I chuckled a bit at the cover. It was my constellation, "Luna, did you give me this book because of my name?"

She quickly nodded her head yes and went back to her book. Typical Lovegood.
There were a bunch of different names that I thought would actually be pretty.
Andromeda, Princess of Ethiopia
Columba, Dove
Gemini, Twins
Cassiopeia, Queen of Ethiopia
I mean I don't think others would be very fond of them but if they had a name like mine they would understand.


I looked up at the other blonde and noticed how her face was a bit...straight...and she had a tear running down her face.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

I scooted a bit closer to her and put my arm around her shoulder.

"What if we named her Lily? After his mother..."

I never thought of that. I didn't completely know if he would be on board with that but I thought it was a great idea.

"I think that's a great idea."
"How was your free period, Draco?!" Is the first thing I heard Harry say as he walked out of his class.

"It was great." I put my arm around his waist and pulled him closer.

I wanted to tell him about the name but I didn't know how he would take it. For as long as I've known him he's never liked talking about his parents. He was proud of them and what they had done during their life but it brought back too many memories...extremely dark memories.

"I actually wanted to talk to you."

He looked up at me with a very confused expression mixed with a bit of sadness, "Is it bad?"

I shook my head no and planted a kiss on the top of his head.
I brought him back to our room and sat him on the couch. If he was going to cry about this I wanted him to be here with me and not in some silly hall.

"I wanted to talk to you about a name that Luna came up with. I spent the period with her and I think the name she came up with was...perfect."

"Okay...well, what is it?"

"Don't cry...the names Lily."

His eyes went pretty wide as the name rolled off my tongue.
We sat for a second but eventually, he threw his arms around my neck and rested his head on my shoulders.

"I think that's a great idea."

He pulled back and sheepishly smiled at me. I didn't expect that reaction at all. I expected him to cry and tell me how sad that was but no...he simply smiled.

"It could bring the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses together as well as our families. It would be like a truce. Lily Malfoy-Potter."



"Lily Luna Malfoy-Potter. She came up with it and she's one of the most admired girls in this castle."

"I think that's a great idea, Draco."
I'm like losing motivation for this story and starting to hate it😂 But I'm going to keep writing it because I love y'all and I wanted y'all to see the end😌
Just a Lil spoiler the baby is coming like.....real soon. Like not even 20 chapters it's over 10 though....guess that number on your own😌
Also sorry if the chapters are starting to get really shitty...

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