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~Harry's Pov~
I never truly knew how long the walk from Kings Cross Station to the Dursley's really was until now.
Here I am over 9 months pregnant walking miles upon miles to this house where I'm just going to get kicked around. I've been walking for hours and I'm exhausted! I have to pee and my feet hurt like a bitch. If only Dumblefuck would allow me to spend this summer at the Malfoy Manor with Draco. I don't understand why he could've just messed with it a little bit. I mean he's super powerful!

It was super late when I finally reached the hell house. I dreaded the thought of walking in that house and seeing those people.
I didn't want to hear Dudley's voice as he yelled for his mother to tell me what to do. I didn't want to hear Petunia calling for his whale of a husband when I did something wrong. I most definitely didn't want to hear Vernon yelling at me for making a mistake. 

I heavily sighed before walking up to the white door. I was about to turn the doorknob and walk in but quickly hesitated.
What if I ran away right now?
What if I just ran to Draco or Hermione?
I shook those stupid thoughts out of my head and slowly opened the door trying to wake anyone who could be upstairs asleep.

It seemed like everyone was sleep so I went to head upstairs but quickly stopped and dropped my things as I heard heavy footsteps from upstairs.

"Mum! Mum Dad! He's here! He's here! Wake up, he's here!"


I stood at the bottom of the stairs with my hand on my stomach. I had put a glamour on before getting off the train but she was still there and I still needed to protect her.

"It's about time you got here!" I watched as Vernon appeared at the top of the stairs and stared down at me, "We've been waiting so long that I had to prepare dinner! I had to do it! Get in that kitchen and clean up that mess! I'm coming to check in twenty minutes! It better be done."

I didn't move until he disappeared back into the hallway. I was going to stay out of as much trouble as possible this summer. I have no room for punishments but that didn't mean I liked what I was doing.

I rolled my eyes and dragged my things to the small cupboard under the stairs. Being next to this gave me a bunch of flashbacks. I was only a child...I still am. I remembered the times where I was locked in there for days upon days without food or water. I remembered the days where I was thrown in there by my hair and the times when I got so bored I would close my eyes and create scenarios about my parents.

I blinked the small tears away as I threw most of my things in the closet and locked the door. I was lucky I didn't have to sleep in there anymore.

I sighed again as I pushed the kitchen door open and looked around at the huge mess that stood before me.
There were pots and pans everywhere.
Spills on the floor and counters.
Stains on the stove.
The oven was open and has something on it.
The floor was a complete mess.
And it smelled horrid.

What the fuck did they make to make this big of a mess! I've never made something and made this big of a mess.
I wanted nothing more than to sit down and rest after my long walk here.

I walked over the stove to start cleaning there when I felt something press against my bladder.

"Shit. Lily, I swear you're going to kill me." I mumbled under my breath as I walked over to the bathroom to fix my problem.

Cleaning the kitchen took way longer then I expected. It was a disgusting mess before but I didn't think it would take this long. By the time I was done it was morning.
I had stayed up all night cleaning this stupid kitchen.

I groaned taking my one bag and walking up the creaky stairs. I was exhausted. I was weak. I was starving. I want to be with Draco.

Opening my bedroom door I slumped in and threw myself on the stiff mattress. It was probably the most uncomfortable mattress I've ever laid on but it was much better than sleeping on that dusty floor in the cupboard.

The moment I laid down I heard my doorknob rattling.
Just great. I haven't slept in hours and they're already awake and ready to start bossing me around.

"Brat!" Vernon yelled bursting into my room, "Get downstairs and start breakfast. I fell asleep last night so I didn't get to check on the kitchen. I'm on my way to do that down. It better be spotless." He turned around quickly and left the door. I listened as the stairs creak under his feet as he walked down to check on my work.

I groaned as I got up to get to work on today's chores. There was always a list on the fridge waiting for me.

Walking into the kitchen I saw Vernon checking every nook and cranny of the room. It was as if he was looking for the smallest thing to yell at me for. 

He got up and looked me up and down before leaving the kitchen.
I dreaded looking over at that fridge. I already knew the list would be extremely long, especially since this was the first day. 

I turned and looked at the pages and pages of chores that were written down and placed on the fridge
I put my hand on my stomach as I looked over all the things. I would be in and out of the house all day without one second of rest.

This was going to be a long summer.
Word Count: 1021
Publish Date: July 24
How y'all doin this mornin/night🙃

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