Three Months Passed

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I was in the bathroom looking down at my stomach. It looked...different. My stomach was no longer flat it had a very small bump but you could tell it was there.
I couldn't go out like this. People would find out and laugh because Harry Potter slept with a boy and got knocked up.

"Harry, are you coming?"

I hurried up and got myself together putting a glamor on and walked out the door.

"Sorry, I was trying to fix my hair but we all know that's impossible."

She chuckled a bit and we walked out the common room passing Ron on the way. He didn't even make eye contact with us.

"Do you think he's ever going to talk to me again, Hermione?"

"I don't know...he might come around."

I signed and we continued to walk. Then I noticed how close we were to the Great Hall.
I had to tell her. I can't go in there looking like this.
I grabbed her arm and pulled her to another hallway.

"Harry, what's wrong?"

I took the glamor off and put her hand on my stomach. Her eyes widened and she had the biggest smile.

"Oh Harry, that's precious!"

I put my glamor back on and felt the tears.

"Wait, why are you crying?"

"'s going to keep growing and growing! I'll be gross." I sank to the floor and hid my face in my knees.

"Harry. You won't be gross. That's a baby in there. It's a beautiful life that your growing."

"But Hermione I'll be fat and gross! I can't do this. Malfoy was right! I should've stopped it."

"Harry! Don't you dare let Malfoy win! You
can do this." she said putting her arms around me.

"I can't go in there like this."

"Yes, you can. I wouldn't use the glamor but if that makes you more comfortable."

"Thank you, Mione."

"Of course, that's my niece or nephew."
Pansy and I were walking to the Great Hall to meet Draco but we couldn't help but stop and eavesdrop on Potter and Granger's conversation.

"But Hermione I'll be fat and gross! I can't do this. Malfoy was right! I should've stopped it."

Pansy and I looked at each other with such hurt and discomfort.

"Oh, Blaise! He's so insecure!"

"I know...and Draco doesn't even care."

"We should tell him."

"Your right."

We took off running towards the Great Hall. When we burst into the door everyone turned and looked at us, neither of us cared we just ran to Draco.

"Why did y'all run in like that. Made an entire scene."

"We need to talk. Now."

"Pansy. I don't take orders from you."

I grabbed his arm and started to drag him out, he tried to fight but I was stronger than him.

"Let go!"

"No Draco."

We reached the door and by then Draco gave in.
We walked out and slammed the door behind us.

"What do you want!"

"Draco! Do you have any idea what's going on with you baby daddy!"

I looked over at Pansy. It was weird to think about, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoys baby daddy. It was a crazy thought.
Draco's gray eyes went extremely wide and his jaw dropped.
Then he started laughing. Like dying laughing.

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