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~3rd Person Pov~
Harry and Draco walked back down the aisle together, hand in hand, as they waved at the cheering people.

It was time for the after-party and a limo had pulled up to bring them there. Draco opened the door for his husband and they both got inside.

They both had stupid grins on their faces as they looked a huge each other. They loved each other so much and couldn't have been happier.

The after-party was absolutely amazing. It was set in the place where they had their first date. Of course, they had to go back to their hotel rooms and get themselves ready first.

The room was decorated beautifully. Hermione, Pansy, and Luna have absolutely outdone themselves. There was a bunch of food, a huge cake, white tables, and chairs thought out one side of the room and a huge spot in the middle for everyone to dance.

The whole night was full of smiles and laughter.

During the parent dances, Harry danced with Molly and Draco danced with his mother. They were both so excited and proud of the boys they had watched grow up.

Not one thing went wrong the entire night. Harry and Draco spent their night dancing, eating, and drinking champagne. They danced around with Lily and took hundreds of pictures.

It was truly a night to remember.

Once the party came to an end both Harry and Draco said goodbye to their daughter as they got into the limo to escort them to Dracos private jet. They would be leaving Lily with Narcissa and Lucius as they went to Dracos private island for their honeymoon.

They would be flying for a couple of hours but it would all be worth it. Draco has bought the island just for this. He knew he couldn't go to the Malfoy island because that's where his parents go over summer would be awkward to know that his parents slept in the same bed they were about to have sex in.

The entire ride in the limo was quiet. Both of them were just sitting back enjoying each other's company. Draco had his arms wrapped around Harry has he laid back against Dracos chest.

~Dracos Pov~
I had my arms wrapped my arms around him with a smile on my face.
We finally did it. We finally got married. I couldn't stop thinking about the way he walked with brought those happy tears back.

All of this happened because of her. She's the reason we're as close as we are right now. If that night never would've happened I bet I would still be in that marriage arrangement. He would probably be married to Ginny or something.

I heard his breathing become steady and much quieter so I thought he was asleep. My arms tightened around him as he shifted a bit.

"I love you, Draco." I felt my face get a bit flustered as he spoke in such a tired voice.

"I love you too," I whispered back, kissing the top of his head.

I sat back up and rested my head against the limo's window and closed my eyes.

I wasn't asleep too long by the way the stop of the car woke me up. I looked out the window and saw our jet ready to go. I smiled as I shook my husband awake.

"We can have sex later, Draco, leave me alone." He mumbled as he got comfortable against my chest.

I chuckle a bit and shake him again, "Come on, you can sleep on the plane."

He nodded his head no and wrapped his arms around my neck. I rolled my eyes and picked him up, he wrapped his legs around my waist as I carried him.

The inside of our jet was absolutely beautiful, he was even missing the banner with Congratulations written in bold blue letters.

I got myself situated on one of the couches with Harry still in my lap.
I'm guessing the wedding then the after-party really took all the energy out of him, he slept almost the entire time.

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