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(To make up for that disgusting war chapter I give you a Drarry wedding😗btw Remus is alive and so is Snape😗)

~3rd person Pov~
Hogsmeade looked absolutely beautiful on that fall afternoon.
It was full of colors white, beige, and silver.
Then right in front of Honeydukes, there was a white flower arch, a long white aisle, and along the sides were hundreds of chairs.

There were people everywhere, so excited to see the wedding of a century. Before the grooms came everyone was allowed to socialize and eat.

Draco was up in his room and Harry was in his. They hadn't seen each other in two days and were so excited to see each other again when they left later they would-be husbands.

Luna and Blaise were stuck with Draco and Pansy and Hermione were with Harry.
Harry was, of course, wearing white while Draco was wearing black.

~Harry's Pov~
"Harry. I need you to sit still! I'm trying to tame this mop of yours!" Pansy whines as she combed through my hair.

Draco and I have been together for 8 years. 2 of those we've been engaged in. It was finally the day...the day I walked down the aisle and got married to Draco.

I was nervous as hell, even though I had no reason to be. I knew for a fact that I wanted to marry him and be with him for the rest of my life but something about walking down that aisle made me sweat.

"I'm sorry, Pansy! You know I'm tender headed!"

I watched as Hermione rolled her eyes. While Pansy was getting my hair together, Hermione was untangling my vale. For some reason, it came in a huge knot. She was getting quite angry.

"You know, Hermione, I don't have to wear that."

She looked up at me with her jaw dropped and Pansy hit me with a comb.

"Are you insane!" Pansy squealed, "This is one of the biggest days of your life! You're marrying Draco Malfoy! You have to wear the vale!"

"She's right! This day is supposed to be perfect! Once I get this untangled it's going to be on your pretty little head!"

I chuckled as they continued doing what they were doing. I couldn't help but think about what Draco was doing. I haven't seen him in over 48 hours and Lily was down with Draco's mother. I hadn't seen anyone but Blaise, Luna, Hermione, and Pansy.

~Draco's Pov~
"Don't even think about touching my hair! I can do it myself! I've been doing my hair by myself for years and it's always looked good!" I snatched the brush out of Blaises' hand and began to brush it myself.

Today was the day I'm getting married to my boyfriend of 8 years.
I was feeling all types of things at the movement. I was trying to get my hair in place, trying to make sure I remembered my vows, I just wanted everything to be as I imagined it.

I hadn't seen Harry or Lily in like forever and I missed them both so much. I wanted to watch him walk down the aisle right now. I didn't want to wait any longer.

"Draco, you should be making sure you remember everything you're going to say. Instead, you're brushing you're hair! Let Blaise and I do it!" Luna snatched the brush out of my hand and handed me a piece of paper.

I groaned and started scanning shat I had written down. I don't know they were making me reread this! I've read it a billion times and could say every single word without even looking at what I had written.

I was so surprised that Luna brushed my hair to perfection. I looked at my hair in shock as she finished.

"Wow! Luna! Why did you not tell me you could do hair! I would've let you do my hair a long time ago!"

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