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I didn't know what to do. I wanted to tell Hermione and Ron who the father was but I didn't know how they would react.
I knew Ron would be super upset and probably laugh and call it a joke. Hermione might try and comfort me or she might side with her boyfriend.
I couldn't tell Ron yet. Hermione was much more understanding than him, she would probably walk me through everything and that's what I needed right now.
All three of us were walking down the hall when I pulled Hermione to the side. I heard Ron mumble something but I had to talk to her privately.

"What's wrong?! Are you feeling sick again?"

"I need to talk to you. Can we go somewhere much more private?"

She moved her hair out from in front of her face and gave me a confused look, "Is the Room of Requirements okay?"

I nodded my head, yes and we started walking. I didn't really want to go there because that's the room I got pregnant in but oh well.
Hermione thought of a random room once we arrived and we walked in.
The room was very comfortable, it was Gryffindor themed and had the most comfortable looking chairs I've ever seen.
We both sat down, she was across from me, and we just looked at each other.
I was super nervous. What if she got mad?

"Well, what's wrong?"

"Hermione...I want to tell you everything."

she shifted in her seat and nodded her head, "Okay, are you sure?"

I nodded my head and sighed.

"Hermione, Draco is the father."

I watched as her eyes went wide, "But Harry you had sex with two guys! How do you know it's Malfoy?"

"Malfoy is the only guy I've ever slept with, the time after he was Cho. She had been flirting with me at dinner and asked me to have sex with her. I agreed and the next morning I was throwing up."

She got up and sat next to me.

"Harry, why didn't you tell me?" she whispered putting her head on my shoulder.

"Hermione, I didn't know how. I thought you would be upset, he's our enemy. The baby in me right now is a Malfoy."

She sat up and wiped the new tears running down my face.

"Of course, I'm not upset. It doesn't matter if the baby is a Malfoy or not, it's yours. I'm going to be an Auntie!" she said excitedly.

I laughed, I loved how understanding she was. Ron would probably be flipping out right now.

"Are you going to tell him? Malfoy, are you going to tell him?"

I sighed, "I don't think I can."

"Harry it's his baby he deserves to know."

"I know Hermione but he's going to kill me! He won't want to be part of its life! I know Malfoy." I said through the tears. I was full-on crying. I didn't know what to do.

"But Harry, he could help you."

"I want to raise it on my own. I don't need his help. He's nothing but a prat. He won't help me."

"What if he does." I looked up at her confused. "What if he takes responsibility. He could help you get through the pregnancy, pay child support, make sure you get taken out of the Dursley's house, he could keep you safe."

"Hermione, this is Draco Malfoy we are talking about. He will just laugh in my face and walk away. He won't care about this baby. He'll just tell his friends and they'll all torment me for the rest of my life." I put my face in my hands. I knew Malfoy. He wouldn't help.

Hermione sighed, "Well, what about Ron? Are you going to tell him?"

"He will kill me, Hermione! oh god! Hermione, he will be so mad! He hates Malfoy more than both of us combined! He will hate me more if he knows I'm carrying his baby!"

"He's your best friend! He will understand."

I shook my head no and broke down. I couldn't control it anymore. I was scared. I am scared. I didn't know what to do, I'm 15.
Hermione took me in her arms and hugged me tightly. She knew I was scared. She knew I had no idea what to do.



"I'm only 15...what do I do."

She stopped hugging me and looked me in the eye.

"You will be the best father this baby could ever have. You are going to raise this baby. You are going to show this baby the good in the Wizarding World. You are going to raise this baby."

I smiled and she took me back in her embrace. I knew she would be here to help me. I knew I would be able to count on her.

"Thank You, Hermione."

"This is what I'm here for Harry."


I couldn't believe them! They walked off without me again! They did this all the time! Why couldn't I know anything, why was I always being shut out?
I don't think they really cared if I knew or not, it's not like Harry was my best mate or anything.


"Draco! Please tell me who you slept with! I'll do anything!"

I couldn't believe she was still going on about this!

"Pans, if he hasn't told you yet what makes you think he wants to?"

" It's just not fair! I bet Blaise knows!"

Blaise and I exchanged looks and started to laugh.

"I do know something but it's definitely not what you think."

If Blaise told this girl I jacked off to him! I'll kill him personally.


"None of your business."

She growled and walked away.

"I thought for sure you were going to tell her."

"Draco, you know I can keep secrets better than anybody else. I just like getting under her skin. Anyway, how is Potter?"

I looked at him confused, "How would I know?"

"Wait so you aren't fuck buddies?"

"No Blaise! Why would you think that."

"With all that moaning you do at night I thought you would've brought him here." he started to laugh but I didn't think it was funny. I felt my face go red, really red.

"Blaise...are you telling me I moan when I sleep?"

"Yeah, every once and a while." he continued to laugh.
My stupid wet dreams! Of course, I moaned out loud!

I growled like pansy did and walked away. I was embarrassed, that means every 5th-year Slytherin knows too!
Word Count: 1100
Publish Date: May 8, 2020

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