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"Harry! Come down here! We are going to tell Dumbledore now!"

I didn't want to go. I could already hear him, he's going to be so disappointed. My life was already planned out, I would go to school, defeat the dark lord while at school, then I would live my happy life with my wife. I was supposed to save the wizarding world not have a baby!
I dragged myself out of bed and walked down the stairs.

"It's about time you came down, Harry."

"Hermione, I don't want to tell him."

"Harry. You are telling him, he could help you! Now we have to wait for Ron."

"But Hermione! I'm supposed to save the world! Not have a baby."

"Well, now you're having a sweet innocent child."

I rolled my eyes as ron ran down the stairs.

"Sorry, I was in the shower."

"It's fine Ron, but we have to leave now, come on Harry."

We all walked out of the room and down the halls. We didn't run into Malfoy, thank god, but a few teachers asked us why we weren't at breakfast.
We reached the entrance and Ron whispered the password.


"Ahh, Harry, Ms.Granger, Mr.Weasley! How are you?"

"We are fine sir but we need to speak with you."

"Of course Ms.Granger, please have a seat."

We all sat down, I was in the middle. I didn't want to be here at all! I mean I could do this on my own.

"What seems to be the trouble?"

Ron elbowed my side, I guess I was supposed to tell the story...

"Well, you see at the fifth year party...i...i had sex with someone."

I looked down at my shoes but I could still feel his eyes on me.

"Is that all?"

"Excuse him, Harry you need to tell him everything! Or I will!"

Of course, Hermione would say that. I actually wouldn't mind if she did.

"Okay! I got drunk at the fifth year party and got seduced by someone, next thing you know I wake up next to him naked and now I'm...im pregnant."

"Harry. You were drunk. Then woke up next to a male, nude?"

"Yes sir."

"Well, how far along are you?"

"a couple of months."

"and the father is?"

How could I tell him! How could I tell him Malfoy was the father of the baby inside me!

"It's Malfoy sir."

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
"Malfoy, of all people."

"I was super drunk! If I would have been sober this wouldn't have happened!"

"Nobody should have been drinking in the first place."

I put my head back down and decided to keep my mouth shut.

"Well, what do we do?"

"Well, Ms.Granger have any of you told Mr.Malfoy?"

"No sir."

"Well, that's what we are going to do."

My eyes shot open and I started to panic, "No! No, we can't tell him!"

"And why not Mr.Potter?"

"He'll kill me! Absolutely not!"

"He is the other father he deserves to know."

I put my head in my hands and started to cry, Malfoy would never leave me alone about this. He wouldn't want a part in my baby's life anyway so why should he know! This was all way too stressful.
I felt Ron put his arm around me as well as Hermione. Neither said a word but their arms around me almost comforted me.

"It's going to be alright mate."

I felt a small smile on my lips.
A couple of minutes later Malfoy walked in and looked at us very confused.

"Ms.Granger, Mr.Weasley please step outside."

They both smiled at me and left the room.

"Can you please explain to me why I was called in here with them?"

"Mr.Malfoy calm down. We just have a situation. Harry, you have to tell him."

I took a deep breath and started talking, "Malfoy, I don't remember much of that night I spent with you but all I know is that I bottomed. Well. a couple of weeks later I started to get super sick an-"

"Yeah, I know you've been getting sick you've been throwing up everywhere! Can I go now? I don't care about your health problems."

"Hush, Mr.Malfoy!"

He rolled his eyes and looked back at me, "Well."

"As I was saying, I went to the infirmary and found out... I'm pregnant...and it's yours...."

He started to laugh like he thought us was historical!

"Your joking right." He said wiping the tears out of his eyes.

I shook my head no, feeling tears also run down my face.

"No! I will not be the other father to his kid!"

"Mr.Malfoy you must take full responsibility for your baby and Harry."

"Hell no! Harry, you better abort this kid! I'm 15 I'm not ready to be a father! Abort that baby immediately!"

I shook my head no and put my hand on my stomach.

"Your really going to keep it! What is wrong with you!"

I just continued to cry as he lashed out at me. He grabbed his stuff and headed towards the door.

"This is your kid potter, not mine! Your taking full responsibility! I don't want any part in this kids life! Not one part!" after he finished he walked out slamming the door behind him.

"What do I do now!" I said trying to wipe my tears but new ones would just come down.

"Well, I can try something. It might work it might not."

"Well, what is it?"

"I can call his parents to come down and talk to him. He respects his parents and I know they will want him to take up for his actions."
Word Count: 1034
Publish Date: May 10, 2020

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