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~Molly's Pov~
I left Ron and Ginny with Arthur while I brought Draco and Harry's child back to the hospital.
When I got to the hospital everyone was running around in a panic, probably looking for the thing I had.

There were profit writers everywhere and it seemed like even the doctor was being questioned.

I walked towards the front desk woman who had a snarky look on her face.

"Ma'am if you're here to question Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy you are going to have to step to the side like everyone else." She said without looking up from her paperwork.

"I am here to talk to them but I'm also here to return their baby. I found her."

Her snarky facial expression dropped as she quickly looked up from her desk.

"Room 391! Here I'll show you the way."

~Dracos Pov~
It's been 3 days since we found out, from Hermione, that an intern lost our child.

Since then everyone that worked at St Mungo's had been fired and that intern and her resident had been sued along with the hospital itself.

We almost double the amount of money we already had by doing this. Everyone thought we were filthy rich then but they should see the amount we have in our vault now.

Pansy, Hermione, and Blaise have been by a couple of times to see how we were doing. It was always the same answer, no.
We were not okay. Beverley lost our child because nobody was watching what she was doing and now she's gone and we have no idea where she is!

Harry was laying against my chest and I felt his tears falling in my hoodie. I want to go to lie and say I didn't have some of my own.

I still didn't know what Harry was thinking or exactly how he felt. He did start talking but it wasn't normal to talk. He would only talk when he caught me crying. He would tell me how everything would be okay and how she would get returned to us.

I wasn't even sure if he believed that. He could just be saying that's to comfort me. I want to go to say it didn't work though.

~Harry's Pov~
I've been talking Draco how everything would be okay but would it? Would everything be okay? Would she get returned? Who did it?
Who in their right mind took our child away?

I knew there were crazy people in this world, along with people who really hated me and Draco. There were a lot of people who wanted me to suffer because I "lied about my past".

I would rather take physical pain than this. Why did they have to take her? Why did they have to take her from us? Why couldn't it have been me?

I was in the middle of my thoughts when there was a small knock at the door.

"Go away. We don't want to answer your stupid questions." Draco groaned.

Instead of listening and going away, we heard the door open. This really kissed off Draco and I could tell her wanted to get up and go push them out but he stayed put.

"Hi Mr.Malfoy, hi Mr.Potter. We have someone for you." I recognized her, she was the grouchy lady from the front desk, but instead of having a mad snarky face, she seemed almost happy.

Draco and I both sat up and stared at her in confusion.
It was then when Molly walked in the door with...a baby in her arms.

"Is that her?" Draco hesitantly asked.

Molly nodded her head with a smile and walked closer to us.
I don't know why but I was so nervous to look at the baby in her arms...what if it wasn't her? What if Molly just thought it was her?

As she finally got to the side of the bed she offered to hand her over to me, I hesitated at first but eventually took her in my arms.

I looked up at Draco and I could tell her saw how nervous I was. I didn't want to be disappointed...

The child in my arms was all covered in blankets so I couldn't fully see her. Draco slowly moved the blanket out of her face...

It was her.
It was our baby.

Without even thinking I brought her to my chest and started bawling my eyes out. I felt Dracos arms snake around both of us and he held us tighter then he's even held me.

"Thank you, Molly. Thank you so so much."

I mostly let Draco so most of the talking...I was so wrapped up in the feelings of having her back. I haven't seen her in 3 days and the feeling of getting her was like all of the emotions disappeared and were replaced with a new one.

~Dracos Pov~
I had both of my arms around my boyfriend and my baby as she was safely returned to my Molly Weasley.

I didn't want to take my eyes off of her but I had to know where she was.

"Wh-where was she?"

Molly took a deep breath before telling us how she found her in their living room closet. She questioned all of their children and found out that Ron and Ginny set everything up and tricked the intern into thinking she was the mother.

Harry and I couldn't believe what we were hearing. Ron and Ginny, two people we trusted, took our child...but why?

That's something we'll never know. I asked Molly why but she said she didn't even know.

After we finished talking Molly left the room to give the three of us our own space.

Harry and I laid down, with him cuddling to my side, as Lily laid on my chest. She fell asleep and we heard the cutest snores coming from her.

"We got her back." I looked down and saw Harry playing with her curls, "It doesn't even seem real."

I chuckled a bit and started playing with his hair, "We got her back and I'm going to make sure she never leave again."
Word Count: 1096
Publish Date: July 29
Y'all I had hella writer's block on this😭 I had it all planned out but when I started to write it was like my mind went blank!
I plan for the next chapter to be super cute and it's all about our new character😗🤍 so just be ready for that!
Sorry this chapter sucks btw 😗🤚

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