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~Pov Ginny Weasley~
"So...what's the plan? The baby is going to be here next month!"

Ron and I were in the astronomy tower. We both had decided to do something about Malfoy taking the baby but yet we still hadn't come up with a plan.

"Ginny, I don't know...what do you think we should do? I mean we have to be very sneaky and make sure nobody knows who we are."

"What if I pretend to be the nurse?"

"Are you stupid?! Harry is going to recognize you."

He was right. We couldn't be seen by Harry or Draco outside of their room. If they saw us holding the baby outside the room they would ask why they had her.

"What if I pretend to be the nurse and take her from the NICU? We could cut her bracelets and leave with her?"

Ron smacked his face and slouched back on the wall. Obviously, he wasn't too fond of that idea...

"What if...what if you posed as a patient?"


"What if you posed as a new mother and your freak out over not having your baby?!"

"How would we get a room?"

"Steal one."

I stayed quiet for a bit as I tried to picture what could go down. We could steal another person's room and I could scream for my baby.
What if she didn't look like me? What if they didn't believe me and called security.

"What if she doesn't look like me, Ronald?!"

"Oh please, you and Harry are basically an older version of Lily and James! She's going to have black hair anyway so it's going to be perfect! Black overpowers blonde."

He was right...but there were so many things that could look different. Draco and I have a completely different facial structure! I would be posing as Harry's wife if we went through with this plan...what if they caught us?! We would go straight to Azkaban!

"What if the baby looked more like Draco?! What would I say?!

"Ginny stop overthinking! We're going to steal a room then you are going to start freaking out. I'll be behind the hospital and once you have the baby in your arms cut the bracelet and run! We'll take her to the shrieking shack and hideout their until school ends!"

I wasn't going to lie...that was a good plan and it sounded like he'd been thinking about this a lot.
I nodded my head in agreement as we both smirked. It was only a matter of time before the baby was born...we had to make sure everything was ready.

~Draco's Pov~
Harry and I were still in our room because we had been given the rest of the year off just in case the baby came early. He told me that I could go and do things with Blaise and Pansy but I wanted to be here with him.

"Are you sure you don't want to go out with your friends? I'm okay. You can go out, Draco."

"Harry. I want to stay with you. What if she comes early? What if you get hurt? What if something happens to you? If I'm not here if something happens I'll never forgive myself."

He smiled and snuggled closer to my side. I couldn't believe that we were going to have a baby next month.
I wondered what she was going to look like...I hope she looks like Harry, with his messy hair and emerald eyes. There was no way my hair was coming overpowered literally every other hair color, and I was completely fine with that.


"Yeah? Everything okay?"

"'s just...I don't want to leave you guys. I only get a few days with her and I only get another month with you..."

It broke my heart to hear him so upset. I knew this would hurt him emotionally but if only you could hear how heartbroken he sounded. I hated that he signed his parental rights over to me. I wanted to share that with him.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. It's only for two months. Then right after that, we'll be together again as one little family. You, me, and our baby girl."

He giggled a bit, followed by a smirk, "Promise me you'll keep her safe, Draco."

"Harry. I would never let anything happen to her or you. She'll be safe with me and my parents. My mother loves babies and is extremely good with younger kids."

I watched as he put his hand on his stomach, it was flat because he had the glamour on, but he always acted as if he had a baby bump. I hated that he covered it up but he told me it was easier on him.
Smut time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next chapter is all smut so tell me if you want to write it!!!!!!!! I'll message you the details and we can talk about how it will all play out! Credit will be given at the beginning of the chapter!
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