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You know I never truly knew what if felt like to lose someone. I never thought it would feel like this.
This is my best friend and my baby. I almost lost them. I almost lost them.


"Yea Harry?"

"How long was I out for?"

"Almost three days."

"And you stayed the whole time?"

"I did." I whispered holding his hand, "I stayed the whole entire time."

He smiled and I watched as his eyes got droopier and droopier but he tried to fight and stay awake.

"You can go to sleep."

"What if I don't wake up?"

"I'll be right here. You'll wake up. Your safe I promise."

He smiled and I watched him fall asleep. I have to admit I was nervous, because what if he fell back into that coma?
I hadn't slept in a while for I decided to sleep as well, but that didn't last too long. I was woken up but this horrible screeching sound. Almost like a long beep.
It took me a second to understand what that beeping noise was.
One of them flatlined.
I didn't know what to do I was freaking out and ran out of the room.

"Nurse! Nurse!" I screamed through the halls.

"What can I do for you?"

"Someone flatlined. I don't know if it was Harry or my baby but someone flatlined.

The nurse didn't reply she just ran and called a code blue. Everyone started rushing into the room and pushed his bed out.

"Wait what's happening?!?" I asked while they were pushing the bed.

Nobody answered me! I needed to know what was wrong but these dopes wouldn't tell me!
I'm the father of that baby you have to tell me what's going on!

"Mr.Malfoy," one of the nurses said letting go of the bed, I didn't stop running so she had to speed walk with me, "it was your baby that flatlined. We have to take them into surgery right away."

I finally reached the bed as they were putting him under anesthesia.


Harry started waking up the moment they put the mask on him. What was I supposed to tell him!

"It's okay. It's okay I'm right here."

Once we reached the doors the nurses pulled me off the bed, "This is as far as you can go."

"No, you have to let me back there! That's my baby!" I yelled struggling to get out of their grasp.


I heard Harry weakly y'all my name one last time before the anesthesia hit him and he knocks out.

"Come on Draco lets go sit in the waiting room. Your parents are on the way."

I gave into them and slowly walked to the waiting room and sat down in a car. I didn't know what to think or do.
I told him he would be fine but he was rushed into surgery!
It was quiet for a couple of minutes before I saw my mother and father run out of the floos

"Draco! Oh, Draco are you alright?" Mother said throwing her arms around me.

I didn't say anything because I wasn't alright. Surgery always has it's risks and those risks are even higher when there's a premature baby involved.

"Draco it's going to be alright."

"But father," I said feeling the tears start running down my face, "what if it's not alright? What if one of them doesn't make it? What if I have to choose who lives and who doesn't?"

"Draconian. Listen to me. These healers are extremely talented and there's no way one of them could die. There's both in very good hands. Harry is going to be fine and so is your child."

"Your father is right Draco. They're going to be okay."

Mother and father both had their arms around me now, which never happened, trying to comfort me.
Their hugs and whispers didn't work. All I could think about is what I said to him last.
I told him I would be there and that he was safe. He wasn't safe! He was in that room! What was I supposed to do now?! What was I supposed to do if they didn't make it?!
Go to school and tell people he didn't make it?!?!
Teenagers shouldn't have to go through this shit.
This was all my fault.
If I would've worked harder we would all be at the manor right now!
Around an hour later I had fallen asleep on my mother's shoulder.

"Potter-Malfoy family?"

My eyes shot open and I ran up to that nurse.

"Is he alright? Tell me they're alright!"

"He's fine and so is you, baby. He should be waking up soon."

"Oh thank you!" I gave her a quick hug and ran.

I ran until I saw harry laying in that bed hooked up to more wires than before. My heart melted and I sat next to him.

"Hey," I whispered and holding his hand "I'm right here."

Eventually, Harry woke up and looked around the room.

"Draco?" he weakly whispered.

"I'm right here."

"Draco why are you crying?" he chuckled

I didn't even notice I was crying. I guess I got happy he and our baby was okay. I didn't even know what I would do if I would've lost them both.

"I'm just glad you okay."

"What even happen?"

"Well, the baby flatlined and they had to rush you into surgery. They said you were both fine. They didn't tell me what happened though."

"So she's okay?"

"She's okay."

We sat and talked for about an hour before a nurse interrupted and pulled me into the hall.

"You have to leave Mr.Malfoy."

"Excuse me, what?!"

"I'm sorry but he's been having too much interaction and it's stressing him out. He will need to be alone for his remaining time here. We'll keep him here until school starts up again. That's around a week."

"You can't make me leave! I won't let you!"

I tried to push through her but was held back but two people behind me. I looked back and saw my parents holding me back from staying away from Harry and my child.

"We're sorry but this is best for him. He'll heal much quicker this way."

"We understand. Thank you very much." Mother said while dragging me away.

She dragged me through the floo and I think he already knew what I was about to do because she put her hands on her hips.


"DRACO! Do not tell ate your mother like that! If you're going to through a tantrum you can go up to your room and do that!"

I rolled my eyes and marched all the way up to my room slamming and locking the door. I knew they couldn't hear it but it felt good to slam my door.
I couldn't believe them! How dare they say that I can't see him!
Now I had to wait a whole other week before I got to see him. This was going to be probably the longest week of them all.
Word Count: 1210
Publish Date: May 20, 2020

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