Everyone Knows

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So at the current moment, Pansy is up Dracos ass...
We're in the great hall just trying to enjoy a nice meal and Pansy won't shut the fuck up!

"Draco! Just help! It's really not that hard!"

"Pansy, I said I'm not helping. Fuck off."

I'm just going to sit back and observe.

"Draco, come on!"

"Pansy, no."

"He needs you! This baby needs you!"

"Potters got it under control."

"No, he doesn't! He needs you!"

You know I already know what's going to happen. Pansy is going to keep going then Dracos going to get pissed and leave then he won't talk to us for the rest of the year. It's just something Draco does. He gets pissed and cuts you off completely until he's ready to come back into your life, better yet until he thinks you deserve to come back into his.

"Stop it Draco! Why don't you understand what's going on!"



Here we go. This is where it's all going to start. Next thing you know Dracos walking out the room.
Everyone was looking at us, including our new little friends.


Not what I thought would happen.
Everyone was staring at me.
Malfoy has just announced to the whole hall that I was carrying his baby.
Nobody said anything.
Everyone was just looking at me, then back at Malfoy.
I'm not blaming them though. We are mortal enemies and we slept together and we are having a baby.
Well, I'm having a baby.


I felt Hermione's hand on my shoulder but I didn't react.
I saw the people in front of me giving me strange looks.
I wanted to run.
I wanted to get out of here.
If I ran I would have to see more faces.
More stares.
More looks.
I could even possibly see Malfoy.
The boy that knocked me up.
I heard the small whispers.
ew they had sex at 15
oh my god he's such a whore for that
he's really having a kid at 15
what a waste of age
They weren't all bad.
oh my so excited for him!
They'll have the cutest baby!
What gender do you think it is!
He's going to be the best father!
I still didn't like them.
It just reminded me of what I had to do.
I had a huge responsibility.
I had a child.
Malfoys child.
And he wasn't even going to help me.
I was on my own.
All my "friends" were here but my baby didn't have their other father.
Without thinking, I got up and ran.
I ran until I couldn't run anymore.
I don't know what bathroom I ended up in but I knew I was in one.
I locked myself in a stall and sat on the floor.

What as I going to do.
why wouldn't he man up and help?
Why did I have to get drunk?
Why did Malfoy of all people seduce me?
why did I give in?
I wasn't even gay.
was I?
why did these things always happen to me?
why not anyone else.
how am I going to bring this baby to the Dursleys?!
they would do what they do to me.
They would hit them.
I'm going to do my best to protect them.
What if it wasn't good enough.
why is this stall so small.
why am I stuck?
why can't I move?
why can't I breathe?
"Good job, Malfoy!"

"Pansy, shut the fuck up! For once in your life!"

I shoved him out of the way and ran into the hall hoping to find Harry. I knew nobody else was going to go so it was up to me.


"he's in my bathroom..."

I jumped at the low whisper of Moaning Murtle.

"Murtle! Warn a bitch before you sneak up on them!"

"sorry, Pansy....he's in my bathroom....he claims the room is entirely too small."

The rooms too small...?

"Thank you Murtle!"

I took off running towards the bathroom hoping he was okay. Hoping nothing was wrong.
I ran into that bathroom and saw one of the stalls closed.

"Harry?" I whispered knocking on the door.

I waited a couple of seconds and still had no answer.
I couldn't wait for an answer so I slid under the door.
Is that something a proper Slytherin would do?
But this has to be done.
When I got under the door I saw harry sitting on the floor with his face in his knees.
He was breathing super heavy and it was very unstable.
Panic Attack.

I took him in my arms and moved him to we were both more comfortable.

"Hey...it's going to be okay....don't worry about other people. You're going to be okay." I whispered in his ear.

"You don't need Draco. He's nothing but a selfish twit. I'm here for you."

I whispered a couple more things than his breathing finally stabilized.
I didn't bother to ask him questions, not even if he was okay. I knew he needed it quiet. I knew he just needed to be held. I knew he just needed someone by his side and if that person can't be Draco then it will be me. I'll be here for him whenever he needs me.



"why me."

"I know it's hard. It seems like everything happens to you but this is different. This is your baby. Your sweet innocent baby that you get the pleasure to bring into the world."

"I'm so scared. The pain. Then I have to take care of it. What if I mess up."

"The pain only lasts for a while and don't worry about all that. You're going to be perfect. We'll, all be here to help you."

"My baby needs their other father though. One day they'll ask."

"And you'll tell your baby that he's an asshole."

I heard a small chuckle then he went limp. I knew I couldn't move now that would be so cruel.
I'm going to stay here with him no matter what. Draco is a selfish asshole and doesn't know what he's missing out on. He has the pleasure to be the father of a beautiful baby and he doesn't even care. What kind of selfish monster doesn't care about their own kid. Absolutely sickening. I'm glad he doesn't want a part. That twit doesn't deserve to be part of this baby's life.
Word Count: 1122
Publish Date: May 16, 2020

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