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OH MY GOD!!! IM SO SORRY TO THE PERSON I SAID COULD WRITE THIS! I GOT HELLA BORED AND STARTED TO WRITE IT! I didn't plan on publishing it until I read the smut again. Y'all. This is probably the best I have ever and will ever write! LIKE IM SO DAMN PROUD OF MYSELF!!! see that song up there? DONT START LISTENING TO IT YET! I mean you don't have to listen to it at all but if you do want to listen to it wait until I tell you too ;) It's a song from 50 Shades of Gray ;) I was actually listening to this song as I wrote this smutty chapter so that's probably was it turned out okay! It's just to put you in the mood so if you want to listen to it you can...when I tell you you can. I HOPE YOU ARE ENJOYING MY STORY AND THAT YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER!!! I LOVE YOU ALL🤪❤️
I'm such a fucking perverted bastard.
At the moment Harry and I were in the Great Hall eating with the rest of our little group. Harry was sitting across from me and I had Pansy and Blaise on my sides.
Well, Pansy, knowing I haven't had sex in months, decided to tell the whole group how she felt up Hermione!

"Pansy! Don't tell them that!" Hermione's face
went beat red, she tried to cover it up but we could all see it.

"No no no...Pansy, please continue." I looked over and saw a smirk on my perverted friend's face.

"Thank you, Blaise. As I was saying it started as just a make-out session but then it escalated-"

I quickly toned out Pansy and her sexual talk...well I thought I did...I couldn't really hear her anymore it was more muffled but it was just enough to make my pants grow extremely tight.

"Fuck..." I whispered so low that I could barely hear myself.

Pansy knew good and well any talk about sex would turn me on. She knows I can't have sex and she knows that I want it so damn bad, but I can't go after it.
Harry's pregnant and uncomfortable all the time! Plus we said we were going to take our relationship as slow as possible.

" might want to cover that up..." Blaise whispered.

I felt as my face went really red and I quickly covered up my growing erection.

"Draco are you okay?" I looked up from my...situation...and saw Harry who looked extremely concerned.

"Harry, don't worry about him he's fine. Just turned on." Pansy elbowed me and looked me up and down.

"Pansy, no I'm not. Shut up." I said with a low tone.

I could tell everyone around me knew I was lying but I honestly didn't care too much. I just hoped Harry didn't think I was a pervert.
We talked for a bit more and my little problem slowly went away.
I was relieved that when we left my pants weren't tight anymore. Walking like that is uncomfortable as hell.

"Well, this is our stop! Have fun fucking!" Pansy called as they all went off towards their dorms.

Harry's face went all types of red and my damn pants...fuck.
I positioned my robes in a certain way to cover it up. I learned exactly how to do this last year when I saw some random Ravenclaw walking down the hall.

The moment we walked into the room I ran towards my bathroom and locked the door.

"Shit..." I whispered in case Harry decided to come and check on me.

I didn't know what to do this time. I didn't jerk off anymore because I felt like I was cheating on Harry, but I couldn't just walk up to him and say 'hey I wanna have sex with you!'

"Hey, Draco?" I heard a faint knock at the door.

"Yeah? Are you okay?" I quickly stumbled around the bathroom trying to find something to help me.

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