Wait, April?

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This is the months I've been so excited about...but also terrified of. It's finally April and next month Lily would be in this world. It made me so nervous, she was safe where she was now if she came out and something happened to her I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
It would be all my fault. That was my baby and I was the one who put her where she is right now. It wasn't just her life I was worried about though, I was also scared for Harry! I mean with all the research I've done on make childbirth...it scared the shit outta me.
The book I read on it told me that as a female he would start the pushing process but nothing would happen since they had to do a C-section

Right now we had everyone in our dorm: Luna, Ginny, Blaise, Pansy, Hermione, and Ron. They had asked if they could sit with us for a while. I could tell they were all worried because nobody said anything. It was silent...not like an uncomfortable silence though.
Ron and Ginny were sitting other on the far side of the room. They looked a bit strange...it looked like they didn't care too much to be here. That's not my business.
Blaise, of course, was looking at Weaselbee. Blaise always liked the Weasel and I was happy for him. Weaselbee didn't look like he was as interested though.
Then we had Pansy, Hermione, and Luna sitting together on the couch across from us. Didn't know much what they would be thinking of but Hermione looked like she was going to be sick.

"I don't think I can do it."  I looked down and saw that my boyfriend had tears running down his face. Everyone looked up at him.

"What do you mean?" Ginny asked sitting up straight.

"This is going to hurt like fucking hell! I don't think I can do this... I mean I've done all this other brave shit during the past years but this is different! I've never had a child pulled out of my stomach before! I don't get how people do this..."

Hearing that confession broke my heart and my grip on him became tighter.

"Hey..."  Pansy whispered getting up and sitting next to us, "you can do this. Just think of the adorable baby you're going to have when this is over. She's going to be beautiful and she'll be all yours. Don't you want to see her cute little face?"

"Of course I do..."

"Then you can do this. You're Harry fucking Potter! You can literally do anything!"

We all chuckled at her slight outburst. She was right though, he was Harry fucking Potter...they boy who survived the killing curse. There was no way he couldn't do this. I knew he would be in pain but I would be there every step of the way.

"She's right, Harry. Lily is going to be perfect!" Luna squealed. Everyone turned and looked at her after saying the name of the unborn baby.

"Harry...did you guys name her Lily?" Hermione whispered with wide eyes.

Once again my grip became tighter, "We did. Lily Luna Potter Malfoy."

Luna's eyes went wide we surprise as she heard the middle name.


We all laughed, "We're 100 percent serious."

"OH MY GOD! ILL DIE!!!!!!"

Once again laugher came from everyone in the group. Everyone laughed except the two in the back who just had creepy smiles on there faces.

"We'll be with you every step of the way." Everyone stopped laughing and brought their attention to the two redheads.
The comment was so random and didn't fit with what we were talking about. Of course, we were happy about that but it just seemed a bit off.

       ~A little white later with Pansmione~
Pansy and I had left a while ago and decided to head towards the library to be alone.

"Do you think he'll be okay?"

We had been talking about the C-section and how much pain it would bring him. Pansy looked almost more worried than me, which was really surprising.

"Pansy, it's going to hurt like hell...but I think he'll be fine. This is Harry we're talking about. He destroyed the dark lord, caught a teacher in a pit of fire, saved ginny from a Basilisk, saved Sirius Black, and complete the Triwizard Tournament."

"I guess your right."

                 ~With Ginny and Ron~
"Ginny you idiot! We look stupid now!"

"No, we don't! I just said we'll be there! I mean we will!"

"I know but you should've said that when it was sad and depressing!"

Ron was pissed because I told Harry he was going to be okay. If we were going to go through with what we wanted to do then we would HAVE to be there.
Just one more month.
This is just a fill chapter....i hate it so much😂 but that's fine...anyway...I think I'm just going to spam update tonight so I can get closer to the better parts and so I can finish this a lot fast then I planned to. I really want to focus on my book series and make sure that it's my best possible.
I hope you're enjoying this book so far! Don't worry it's going to be more interesting later....like the next chapter...i think y'all goin be mad mad once I publish the next chapter😂
Also!!!!! Let me know if you want to write a smut chapter!!!! After the next chapter, I planned to have a smut chapter so if you would be interested in writing that let me know and we can talk about it😌 Credit will 100% be given!

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