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~Dracos Pov~
Pansy, Hermione, and Blaise have been here keeping us company for the past couple of hours. We've mostly been talking about the new addition to our group but we also mentioned stupid moments from the past.
I don't think anyone really noticed how long they've had my child. Well, I noticed.

The took her around two hours ago and told me they were taking her for a quick check-up and she would be right back. I didn't think it was going to take this long.

"Hey Draco, how much longer do they need to check on her? I wanna see her adorable little face!" Pansy asked while hanging on to Hermione.

At least I wasn't the only person who noticed how long she was gone.

"Ummm, they should be done by now."

"It's okay, I'll go ask." Hermione smiles and walked out of the room.

~Hermiones Pov~
We've been in this room talking for what seemed like hours without Lily. I was glad I wasn't the only one who noticed her long absence.

I closed the door as quietly as possible as I scooped out someone to ask. It didn't take long for me to find someone in light blue scrubs.

I smiled and walked up to the woman, she was writing in a book with a smirk on her face.

"Excuse me?"

She looked up and her face brightened up, "Oh hello, how can I help you?"

"Well, I was just wondering when Lily was going to be returned to Harry's room."

The intern gave me a very confused look as I asked her about Draco and Harry's newborn. It kind of worried me.

She flipped a couple of pages in her book and asked me for the baby's full name. Once I gave it to her her face softened a bit.

"I'm sorry but you must be thinking of another patient. Lily is with her mother."

I felt my heart start beating a bit faster then it should.

"Excuse me? She doesn't have a mother. Harry Potter gave birth to her."

She cocked her eyebrow and quickly shook it off, "I assure you that Lily Luna Potter-Malfoy has a mother. Follow me. I'll show you to her room."

The intern started walking down the halls looking for a room. I don't know what she was talking about but there's no way Lily has a mother. I mean Harry has been pregnant for about 10 months! This has to be some sort of mistake.

Eventually, she knocked on a door and slowly opened it. I rushed in to see if there was a woman holding their child but found nothing. Nobody was in the room.

I started to see what I could find because apparently, she gave their baby off to another person! Now that person isn't here!

I looked around and found a hospital gown on the bathroom floor and...a hospital bracelet with the name Lily Luna Potter-Malfoy written on it.

I felt my heart rate speed up as I looked back at the girl who brought me here.

"What did you do?! Whoever this woman has stolen their child and it your fault!"

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