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Dracos father took note and demanded that the boy was checked on. It was his Granddaughter and basically son-in-law so he had every right to know. They went to check on the boy.

I was pacing down the long manor halls, I couldn't help but think about Harry. He has been the only thing on my mind for the last four days. I was starting to get extremely worried about him, it's been four days and I haven't heard a word from him.
What if he was hurt?
What if she was hurt?
I continued to pace hoping that these thoughts would pass and I could start to think about the happier moments we've had together like when we went to get butterbeer. I hoped to god he was okay. I regret letting him it there. I could've done more to try and get him home to the manor but of course, I didn't. I couldn't keep him safe and now he's probably hurt.

"Draco, baby? Draco you have to stop pacing like this."

I stopped and turned around to see my mother at the other end of the hall.

"Mother," I said walking towards her "Harry hasn't written to me! I haven't heard from him in four whole days! That's 96 hours!"

"Draco you have to understand that Harry can't write to you every day. He's probably busy."

"MOTHER! Those muggles abuse him!"

"Draco. Your father and I have done everything we can to get him out of that house. He's going to be okay. He's a smart kid he'll know what to do."

"No, he won't! You didn't try hard enough!"

"Draco!" mother hissed grabbing my shoulders and bending down to my level "Your father and I are working very hard. We know what this means to you know and we want to help him!"

I didn't say anything because I knew she was right. I was over here being a total jerk when my parents are doing everything they can to make sure Harry stays safe.
I broke.
Tears started running down my face and my mother pulled me into her arms.

"This is all my fault." I cried into her robes.

"No, it's not sweetheart."

"Yes, it is!" I got out of her grasp and looked her in the eye "I could've done so much more and now he's over there pregnant doing all their chores and getting hit while doing it! This is all my fault and now I don't know what to do."

I felt the tears on my face coming at a rapid pace. They just wouldn't stop. I never cried. That is something that Draco Malfoy just doesn't do unless it really touches my heart. I haven't cried in such a long time but at this moment that's all I wanted to do. I wanted to cry and let all my feelings out while screaming into my pillow.
Mother looked at me in awe and pulled me back into that hug. We slid down to the floor and sat there for a while. If anyone would've walked in I think I would've died.
Draco Malfoy being held by his mother?
I do have to say this made me feel a lot better.
My breathing steadied and we were just sitting there now.

"You know Draco," mother whispered playing with a lock of my hair, "It shouldn't be long before you get an update on how he's doing. I think he's okay. I bet he'll write any day now."

"You really think so?"

"I know so," she hugged me even tighter, "you're going to be an amazing father Draco. I'm so very proud of you."

"Thank you, mother." I felt my eyes get droopy and decided to just let myself fall asleep.
It was wrong of me to eavesdrop on my wife and son but I hadn't seen them in a while so I decided to listen.
While listening I found out a lot of things. For one, Harry hasn't written to Draco at all and two Harry is being abused at that house.
I was furious that Dumbledore even thought for one second that it was okay to send that boy there, especially carrying a child!
I decided to do something about it. I went down to my office and called for the house-elf.

"Yes, Master Malfoy?"

"Dobby go fetch Avery and Luis. Tell them it's urgent!"

"Of course Master." and with the snap of his fingers, he was gone.

My plan was to send Avery and Luis down to that house and check on Harry and my granddaughter but they wouldn't be seen. They couldn't be seen there would be some kind of problem. The muggles would freak out thinking they were being stalked and so would Harry.

"You called for us Lucius?" Avery said walking in the door followed by Luis.

"Sit we need to have a discussion."

They both sat down and gave me a very confused look.

"If you don't know my son has gotten Harry Potter pregnant and they are expecting a baby girl."

"Your son got Harry Potter pregnant!" Luis laughed.

I shot him a glare that he didn't notice but Avery did and elbowed him in the side.

"Now Harry is in an abusive home and Dumbledore made it clear that he wasn't allowed here. Now It is your job to go and check on the boy every day to make sure nothing happens to him. Understand?"

"Of course Lucius. When do we leave?"

"You leave now Avery! Go! Make sure my granddaughter is okay!"

Avery and Luis took off running. They better come back with a full report on how Harry was or so help me god they will both get fired.
I went back to the hall to see is Narcissa and Draco were still there but they had both gone.


I jumped at the sound of my wife called my name from behind me.

"How is he Narcissa?"

She sighed, "He's horrid. He's up in his room crying as we speak. He's extremely worried. He wanted to make sure they're both safe."

"I've got that taken care of Narcissa."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm on my way to tell our son so follow me."

My wife and I linked arms and walked down all the halls and up all the stairs all the way to our son's room.
The sounds that came from inside put a knot in my stomach.

"Draconian?" I said knocking on the door.


"I have some good news for you."

I heard stumbling from the other side of the door then the door unlocked and swung open.

"Is he okay? Is Harry okay? Is my baby okay?"

"I've sent Avery and Luis down to check on him. They'll check in him every day and come back with full reports on how he's doing. They are on their way as we speak."

He sighed in relief and more tears ran down his face, "Thank you father." he whispered putting his arms around my waist.

"Anything for you Draco," I whispered hugging him back.

I looked over at my who was smiling at us.

"He's going to be great," she whispered in my ear and walked away.
Word Count: 1223
Publish Date: May 18, 2020

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