Time Spent

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Today was the day I bring my enemy out to get a butterbeer.
Was I nervous?
Hell yeah.
Was I excited?
Hell yeah.
You see it's been a couple of days since we had our little heart to heart and It has honestly brought us a bit closer. We started to talk a bunch more and started to form some kind of friendship. It was great! We ate together, we studied together, we walked the halls together, we even talked about our baby's future together. The past couple of days I have been at my happiest. I liked spending time with him, I think our baby is going to have a perfect life if we continue to live like this.

"Draco! Let's go we're going to miss the train!"

"Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts."

"Of course you did."

Harry and I both laughed as we boarded the train. We closed and locked the door so our conversation wouldn't be interrupted by any new third year coming to Hogsmeade for the first time.

"So where are we going again?"

"Harry I'm offended you forgot."

"oh, Draco I'm so sorry! I must have forgotten with all that's been going on."

"For your information, we've been talking about this for days, and also for your information we are going to get butterbeer. We aren't walking around a lot! You need to sit down."

"Hey! I can walk! Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean anything!"

"It means everything!"

"So you're saying that just because I'm pregnant I can't do things you can?"


"Like what?" he asked crossing his arms with a smirk on his face.


"You're an ass."

We both laugh and talked for the rest of the way there. I had a feeling this was going to end well.
As the train stopped I put my arm across him. I don't know why I did it. I just did.

"And what was that for?"

"I didn't want your small ass flying up against that seat and crushing our kid."

"Haha." he said sarcastically and unlocked the door, "Your highness."

"Ladies first."

He looked offended that I said that. Not in a bad way! More like a funny offended! Then he smirked.

"Then your highness should go first."

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the compartment. I wasn't going to argue about who left first, I knew that would've gone on for years.

"Why the fuck is it so damn cold!"

"Oh, I don't know maybe it's because it's winter."

He looked up and me and gave me this nasty look, but I wasn't focused on that. I took my hoodie off and gave it to him.

"Oh, Draco I can't take this."

"And why not?"

"Because you're going to freeze!"

"Put the damn hoodie on!"

He did what I told him and pulled the black hoodie over his head. It looked better on him then it did on me so I wouldn't even mind if he stole and never gave it back.

"Draco I see it let's go!"

I followed him until we walked inside. It was so much warmer and smelled amazing.
We sat down in a booth by the window and waiting for our drinks.

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